• 26 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • 9 dead people don’t speak for themselves in your mind, I guess. Why are you on this community?

    I’d love to go through it with you, step by step, using crayons and simple wording if I must, but alas! Not one of the 19 articles I looked at provided an exact location or pictures clear enough to figure that out.

    My logic here is very simple: If a car can hit pedestrians, then the infrastructure is bad. 9 people died to prove this point and you’re acting as if this is a freak accident that happens once in a decade. It doesn’t, people die all the time because of inattentive drivers or faulty vehicles. Bollards save lives.

  • I think there’s some misunderstanding

    I get how IPv6 works, I got a /48 from my ISP. The problem is that I have some 15 devices here that I have to refer to in DNS and either I have to change their static IPs or I have to change their IPs in DNS if the prefix ever changes (it shouldn’t, because I pay for them to not do that). My laptop, phone and desktop do not get a static IPv6 and use the privacy extension. Is that not how you’re supposed to do it?

  • Very useful, but I don’t understand concept 1, “Don’t pick numbers”.

    If I’m right, it’s basically saying don’t do stuff manually, just let the computer do it. I kind of disagree with this. All of my fixed devices have a fixed IP that I manually assigned and derived from the original v4 schema I also have. For example 192.168.x.y becomes prefix::y

    Am I misunderstanding something?

  • Yeah I’m the entitled asshole with my bike because I wanna go from A to B

    Not the person who takes up 8 times as much space as me to transport the same or more often less cargo than me, poisons the air I breathe, pollutes my drinking water, endangers my life because they’re busy reading texts or think their time is more valuable than everyone elses, uses my tax dollars to fund massive roads I’m not even allowed to use and, best of all, honks at me to get out of the way on the narrow streets I live on as if I’m the uninvited guest.

    But one dude in spandex made you swerve a little some 2 years ago so go off queen