• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • drolex@sopuli.xyztoGauchiasses@jlai.luManon fait du vélo
    1 month ago

    Elle a un vélo énorme. Mon analyse politique de ce fait :

    • ce n’est pas son vélo habituel car elle l’a volé au DRH de Total (praxis) pour se rendre à un festival de caillassage des forces de l’ordre sous psychédéliques divers avec des musulmans (eco-terrorisme islamogauchiste)
    • ou bien : ce n’est pas son vélo habituel car d’habitude elle conduit un Ford Bronco pour aller à l’AG LVMH mais son agent de com’ Havas lui a préparé un photoshoot pour faire cool et sympa (entrisme de Ciotti chez LFI)
    • pas d’autre possibilité, vraiment

  • You’re really getting out of your way to miss my point. The number of professional writers is some orders of magnitude bigger than the number of billionaires, so much so that taking some arbitrary subset of writers of approximately the same size is easily done.

    Another counter example (because I’m really nice like that): some contemporary French writers, just from memory:

    • Annie Ernaux
    • JMG Le Clezio
    • Amélie Nothomb
    • Michel Houellebecq
    • Erik Orsenna
    • Virginie Despentes
    • Patrick Modiano
    • Christine Angot
    • Jean Echenoz
    • Sylvain Tesson
    • Marie Ndiaye
    • Virginie Grimaldi
    • Marc Levy
    • Alain Finkielkraut
    • Michel Onfray
    • Mélissa da Costa
    • Andrei Making
    • François Cheng
    • JC Rufin

    Yes I know, it’s not 43, but I could easily go to my local bookshop and find 180 more, and again 43 billionaires is a lot for 70 million inhabitants. In any case the number of 500 writers in the article is laughable.

    But that’s not the main point. What gets on my nerves is that the author of the article is cherry picking facts to entertain an idea. I could deliberately try something like “but you know there are more astronauts than true painters” and refute everything opposed to this with No true Scotsman fallacies.

    The article proves absolutely nothing and the author makes a mess of logical thinking, while managing to blur what the wider perspective is supposed to be.

  • drolex@sopuli.xyztomemes@lemmy.worldYou get paid for that?
    1 month ago

    The good thing about not using the /s, is that I can always tell myself that I’m downvoted because other people are morons, rather than thinking that I am a moron myself (which I am anyway).

    (But for the record, I despise immensely people who think that some subsets of mankind are naturally less clever than others. And I understand that the meme was memed in good faith and its sexism doesn’t necessarily reflect the opinion of OP)

  • drolex@sopuli.xyztoRance@jlai.luDébat Attal/Merdella
    1 month ago

    Un futur proche. Le débat des prochaines élections oppose Shub-Niggurath, la chèvre noire des bois aux mille chevreaux, à Yog-Sothoth. Avant d’être conduits à la démence par le spectacle offert, les téléspectateurs ont quand même bien le temps de retenir que le vrai danger, c’est quand même l’écologie et les immigrés.