IIRC one of the reasons the housing market in Paris must also be so tightly controlled is due to their zoning controls. To keep Paris’ identity intact, any sort of higher density/taller development anywhere inside the city’s primary core is strictly prohibited, so housing supply is almost completely static.
Pretty normal. They sell off a set % of the company’s shared during an Initial Public Offering and set the share base price at their calculated expected valuation. Companies never sell off 100% of their shares. Reddit owns these shares and sets the sell price accordingly. Raising 750m would be selling about 11.5% stake if they think they’re worth $6,500mil.
The market is not obligated to buy shares at Reddit’s stated price. Once they’re on the market shares can go up or down depending on how realistic the market thinks Reddit’s stated valuation is. If they think the valuation is crap they’ll not buy until the share price drops to their expected valuation.