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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023

  • I am generally open to him and his views. I get tired of hearing things that only confirm my own worldview. While I agree with him sometimes, he is just as often challenging to me.

    That said, I’ve been finding his whole recent “kids these days are awful” schtick really tiresome. It feels like an old man shaking a fist at the sky. I have lots to complain about Gen Zs and Millennials but I feel like he is really out of his depth. Every generation thinks their kids are awful.

    But when he is on point, he is really on point.

  • I still have to use WhatsApp for my international family. That is what they use. My mom also still uses Facebook Messenger and won’t move to something else. I think it is because she uses it on her tablet and WhatsApp won’t work on it. I tried getting everyone to move to Signal but I was very lonely on that hill. I have FB account but I rarely every check it (once in every six months or so). I got off in 2018 after I felt so angry over something political in the US and realized that FB was making me angry on purpose to get clicks. I never had Instagram. Got into Pixelfed and I’m enjoying it a lot (perhaps because I have no prior benchmark with Instagram).

    I’ve been quite concerned with Meta since I read “The Chaos Machine” by Max Fischer which goes into detail about how FB was heavily responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the Rohyinga in Burma.

    I once read a series of articles where someone gave up using one of the big five tech companies (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft) for one week each. It was interesting how hard it was do with some. Facebook and Apple were the easiest but Amazon was nearly impossible because of AWS. I’ve concluded that for me, I can minimize my Facebook, Google, and Amazon use as much possible but in the end, just have to live with Microsoft and to a much lesser extent Apple for time being. But to each their own.

  • REALLY tried to like it. Watched the whole thing but then afterwards, I felt like I had watched nothing. The farther away I get from the show, the more I dislike it. All of the acting was great. And when they got away from the video game, the story was wonderful. But I felt like I was watching a video game - which I was in a way. And I felt like it was trying way to hard to be profound. It’s sad because I thought that “Chernobyl” was one of the best things I’ve ever watched on television.

    Edit: Completely realize that this post was not about TLoU but just needed to get this off my chest. When everyone raves about it, I feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills. On the subject of the post, yes, streaming services are getting way too expensive and I think we’ll reach an inflection point soon where they will all start collapsing at once.