Sad to see but not surprising due to his history. He was a brilliant lyricist and I am a big fan of his work. RIP shane.
Sad to see but not surprising due to his history. He was a brilliant lyricist and I am a big fan of his work. RIP shane.
Me this morning. I’m gonna take a look at why this Jenkins pipeline is failing. This one job starts a dozen others. Half are failing. For different reasons. After starting rewriting a job that someone half assed. Realize the original error was caused by missing input but some are still valid. Still can’t figure out why my rewritten program is erroring. Get pulled away because another program did something weird… I completed nothing today but worked a ton.
My day…
Lol. Legitimately.
The lemmytools userscript does this.
Isolinear chips have arrived.
Spotify is nearing the cut point for me. Subbed since 2011. The UI is getting worse…
I’m all for this protection but for the sake of argument isn’t use of the service consent to begin with? Or is that the American argument around these types of regulation?
I’m a pihole, vpn, adblock and invidious user ftr… 😂
Neither. It’s a sorta scummy experience overall with the few actors I’ve paid the money for. At least that’s my experience. If they offer an selfie in the autograph line. That’s probably the best experience out of the paid options…
For the official photos. Your rushed through. Actor or whoever doesn’t care your there. Your meeting them for like 30 seconds. Sorta feel like your being taken for your money. ( no way?!?)Actor might say hi how are you? And then your out with an awkward photo.
My best experiences was interacting acting with them naturally by mere chance outside of the con. Or once I waited just for a free autograph with Matt Mercer and that was 200% worth it.
Yep I’m very impressed with syncthing. I just started using it a few weeks ago.
What’s amusing is I am purposely not paying for bitwarden because of the check against darkweb leaks or whatever type feature when you pay. That’s seems like an anti privacy thing. I understand it’s a good idea albeit seems to expose a lot of information about you. I would like to do vaultwarden but don’t think I can trust self hosting myself without paying monthly for a vps which I don’t want to do. Home Internet hosting seems to unreliable to me for something that important.
Just random thoughts of mine here.
Back when smartphones actually had big leaps in tech in made sense pre 2015 or so. Now, it’s very small interative changes. It makes no sense.
Same. TIL.