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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • They need to do better at wording the titles of articles like this. It should read something like “34 dead after drinking tainted/poisoned liquor”. Contrary to popular belief, brewing does not produce enough methanol to be toxic, and distilling does not concentrate it relative to the ethanol to a point where moonshine could be toxic. Media likes to portray like you have to be careful not to produce methanol, when really, you would have to intentionally make it. Here’s a good writeup about it.

    Methanol toxicity only really occurs when people deliberately add methanol to alcohol, either as a deterrent to keep you from drinking it (e.g. hardware store “denatured alcohol”), or to counterfeit real drinking alcohol. I can guarantee you this is a case of someone dumping a bunch of cheap, industrial methanol into watered down real booze to increase profits.

  • I think it really goes back through history. Finland was a possession of Sweden and then Russia. The nobility would have spoken either of those languages depending on who was in charge, and ethnic Finns were essentially pawns for the larger powers, and the finnish language wasn’t even written down much.

    This changed when Russia started to crack down on Finnish culture, leading to a surge in pro-Finnish sentiment. People even changed their names from Swedish versions to finnish versions, and went from using “Christian” names to names from finnish mythology or culture. Actually, it’s somewhat similar to how black Americans changed naming conventions in the Civil rights era. The very concept of finnish-ness was somewhat of a working class concept. This, combined with a similar law of jante type belief meant there was and is much more of a focus on the collective good than in other countries.

    During the Russian revolution, a Civil War erupted between left wing and right wing, with the right wing wanting a German aristocratic monarchy over finland. The right wing actually won, but it was very short lived because Germany lost WW1 right aftwards, and a liberal democracy was formed. Finland was super poor, but started to build itself up as it’s own country.

    When WW2 rolled around, most people are familiar with the Winter War where they held their ground against a Russian invasion. Most people aren’t as familiar with the Continuation War against Russia, where they (with the support of germany) continued to fight against Russia, or the Lapland war, where they actually had to fight against Germany to kick them out of the country. The Germans actually used scorched earth on finland as they retreated, knowing they were losing WW2.

    After all of that, a huge swath of finland was destroyed by the Germans, or annexed by the Russians, leaving many homeless. Finland had to provide for those people, so homes were rebuilt rapidly throughout the country. Since they were in the soviet sphere of influence, but they weren’t a Warsaw pact country, they didn’t get any assistance from the eastern bloc (and they actually had to pay reparations as an axis country). They were also not included in the Marshall plan that helped provide recovery to western Europe.

    They survived as a people by taking care of each other, and they are very proud of that. If you go to a Finnish museum, next to works of art and science, you’ll see things like the baby box, or other displays about the establishment of the welfare state. Many countries have a welfare system, but treat it like a dirty secret, while they celebrate what they were able to accomplish.

    One last thing I think is really cool is that they are not afraid to experiment with policies. Many governments will do little trials of policy here and there, but not many go to the point of actually doing scientifically rigorous studies.

  • I cook my own food, which takes plenty of salt. I just have a little bowl full of kosher salt is use while I’m cooking. Generally, if you are a good cook, you shouldn’t need to add any salt at the table. If you go to a fancy restaurant, you won’t see any salt shakers. Salt typically needs to be worked into food to actually work well. There’s a huge difference in taste between bread made with dough that has salt in it, and bread with the same amount of salt added after baking.

    The only times you need to really add salt at the end of cooking is if you taste it and find that you undershot the right amount of salt, or if you want to give a salty “pop” to something like a salted caramel. For those cases, a flaky salt works way better that table salt because its surface area means that it dissolves quicker, giving you that quick taste (and crunch) without actually adding much mass of salt.

  • You can’t really get a concrete answer because there’s not a completely agreed upon definition of fascism. Some pieces are somewhat general; right-wing populism, authoritarian dictatorship, nationalism and “rebirth”, and the valorization of violence. Other parts can be considered by some, but not everyone, to be a part of fascism. There’s a reason there’s a whole wikipedia page on the definition of fascism..

    Russia definitely meets some criteria of some definitions, but they don’t necessarily meet all definitions of fascism. For example, some definitions of fascism include a complete rejection of communism and opposition to communists because that was the case for the fascists in the first half of the 20th century. Russia, however, still valorizes the strength and actions of soviet Russia, particularly in WWII. Putin’s claim for the invasion of Ukraine was that it was to “denazify” it.

    TL;DR, some people say if it doesn’t meet all the right criteria, it’s just sparkling white authoritarianism, others are fine calling it all champagne