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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • OK, one more time: there is no FSD. Dismissing official tests and putting them in quotes is Covidiot argumentation style.

    We can only judge what Tesla puts out to be tested officially and what they put on the market - which is non-working rain sensors, road sign recognition, etc. pp. On top of that you have shoddy workmanship.

    Just stop peddling these shit videos and go drive one yourself. Also you are again spewing bullshit you have no idea about with ridiculous confidence. You’ve proven yourself a liar only 2 comments ago - you lost all credibility.

    Tesla used to be ahead of the market a couple of years back - not any more. Also since Elon completely lost his mind and stopped letting his betters run the show decline got worse.

    Yep, in Germany I drove a rental A4 across the country sometimes doing 244. Speed sign recognition & adaption worked was well as driver assistance (Teslaspeak: FSD Autopilot which will be available next year, trust me bro) as well as - and this will be shocking to a Tesla fanboy (which you totally aren’t) - the rain sensors! On top of that the car had working park assistance, incredible!

    At this moment I don’t think we’ll ever see a Tesla that’s legally allowed to do that. In fact I think it is likely that the dozen+ Chinese companies coming on the western EV market right now in addition with German car makers finally getting around to deliver the good stuff as well as what Korea delivers mean bad news for Tesla. Vision only blindly into doom.

  • Going by official testing authorities Mercedes, Audi, BMW, Ford, Hyundai, Genesis, Nio, and a couple of others are better.

    From personal experience I can say Audi, Ford (Mustang Mach E), Hyundai, Nio and Jaguar beat Tesla hands down. The GWM Ora beat Tesla in the majority of features, not sure about driving assistance though. The Nio was particularly fantastic, there’s a good chance it’ll be my next car in 3 years or so.

    Edit to add: I did not test drive a Mercedes myself as the EV models within budget were either too big or too expensive.

  • I’m aware that I was not my politest in this conversation but my last comment wasn’t meant to be dickish in any way. Sorry if it came across as such.

    Also I did not say you are a Tesla fanboy but you are clearly misinformed by Tesla fanboys. The Tesla community is also well known for its sometimes toxic fanboys. That does not mean that all of them are like this though but it’s a thing.

    Please take the following advice, not me being a dick or trying to be condescending:

    When you watch better YT channels you’ll notice that no manufacturer offers FSD. Tesla sells “potential FSD” since more than a decade. See for yourself by going on tesla.com and opening the order form or check out one of the YouTube videos showing Elon promising FSD to be happening ‘soon’ year after year after year. At this point I don’t think we’ll ever see a FSD Tesla.

    Also you’ll see Tesla isn’t the best by a long shot.

    As for test drives: Just because you don’t intent to buy one doesn’t mean you can’t test drive one. I buy used cars on general principle but do the test drives on current models - a dealership that sells both used and new cars prefers you drive a designated test car. Just give it a try.

  • You don’t need to “jerk” the wheel. Yes, you do. One of the reasons I didn’t end up buying a Tesla.

    You only need to touch it gently. That’s true for any other manufacture but Tesla. Stop lying.

    For people not familiar with the wheel-jerk required by Teslas:

    This is because level 2 is “hands on” system. No, it’s because it’s a Tesla. Other manufacturers, including Mercedes, have sensors in the steering wheel so “You only need to touch it gently.”. Again on (all) others, not Teslas.

    " only the cabin camera that’s monitoring you." Some current cars do have (Lidar based?) driver monitoring as this is set to become law. The car checks whether you pay (enough) attention. Test drive a GWM Ora - it’s fucking annoying. No worries though, this will never work properly in a Tesla.

    No one is making any claims about how fast Mercedes Drive Pilot should go. (…) I’m simply stating that it can’t go over 40mph. Please re-read this, does it still make sense to you?

    I could return the accusation of being disingenuous but that falls short as claiming a Mercedes does 64 on ACC/assited driving is just fucking stupid. 64 is to slow to be on the Autobahn.

  • Tesla ACC (Autopilot my ass) manages to ‘drive’ 130km/h, while requiring you jerk the wheel every few seconds. The 2015 VW Passat I used to drive supported 160km/h and I didn’t have to jerk the dam steering wheel. Granted it did not have lane assist (Autopilot in Teslaspeak). Still, claiming a Mercedes not doing at least 220km/h using assisted driving is just silly.

    One more anecdote: couple of weeks ago I rented a current Audi A4, the ‘Autopilot’ took the car to 244km/h - I decided to not push it further even though it was legal. That was just an A4!

    Teslas add dangerous because the car - very much like the company CEO - is claiming it can do things which it ultimately can’t. When it fails and the and you, the driver, can’t compensate you’re on the newspaper.

  • You were done for before you started. Your sole way of ‘winning’ for your precious, precious nuclear fission is bringing up fossil fuels to steer the discussion away from renewables.

    You’ve proven again and again that you only read headlines that you understand only partially. Your impotent ranting against ‘my definition’ of toxicity was especially entertaining.

    The constant bad of your person culminates in claiming that I said that fissionable material good for only a short time which is a short 230 years. I did not. You constantly misinterpret and misrepresent facts. This can’t be blamed on your reading capabilities alone.

    Again. At present consumption level fissionable material lasts about 230 years. That’s a massive amount of time and would make fission an option as risks and cost involved are outweighed by the benefits.

    Then you factor in Germany and Japan going fully back to nuclear and rising demand for energy and realize you’re off by a factor of 20. Let’s be very conservative and say it’s a factor of 10. Since you either didn’t get that or tried to bury it in BS again:

    230/10=23; 230/20=11,5

    Result: fissionable material lasts 11,5 to 23 your if we followed your masters’ advice. Is very simple maths I’m sure you can follow.

    I could now try to explain as to how long it takes to get a reactor on the net and how it would be active to short to make a dent. You’ll either not understand it or misquote it again.

    Next you again throw another bunch of shit on the wall: technology we don’t have yet (fusion, thorium, etc). We might be able to build reactors using that hopefully within the next decade. Right know we don’t and we don’t know when we can. Shit didn’t stick, sorry.

    Does the fission lobby pay you well for your service?

  • Ok, never mind that the people with most expertise and practical experience will inevitably work in the nuclear sector. Lets give this one to you, since I really have no way of knowing if it is honest.

    So If you buy a used car you only use the sales guys expertise as he knows the car best and don’t bother asking an independent mechanic? Got ya, bless your heart.

    … Ok sure, its not perfect, but it is pretty good evidence without trying it in practice.

    No, it’s just a couple of statistics. It’s better than the other piece but that’s a low bar.

    Please explain the relevance pertaining to this discussion.

    … did not exactly have Geiger counters around it to know there were no issues, but it is good evidence there are no catastrophic ones.

    Natural occuring radiation exists elsewhere as well. Intensity and containment are pretty important. You didn’t bring anything to the table.

    Add to it the low risk that underground disposal will not be perfectly safe and a relatively small area of land may become uninhabitable in the future.

    You have literally no idea what you are talking about. Never heard of underground aquifers for instance?

    Now compare that to the yearly deaths cause by air pollution that the coal and gas plants Germany had to reactivate to replace nuclear produce. Then add to it the certain future damage from climate change and tell me that was a reasonable trade-off.

    Straw man again, really?

    This article is by psychologists. Relevance?

    This one might interest you if you intellectually understand nuclear is safer than fossil fuels yet you still feel afraid of it.

    I’m only interested in factual evidence. You tend to only read headlines and that only partially while again peddling the fossil straw man.

    PS: Oh right, almost forgot.

    No, you tried to hide the iceberg. Didn’t work. How obviously bad faith are you trying to be?

    At current (nuclear energy) consumption level the global stockpile of fissionable material is estimated to provide energy for another 230 years.

    I never claimed nuclear should be a permanent solution and I really don’t want to start another long discussion.

    Sure because that one just ripped an iceberg-shaped hole into your HMS Nuclear Titanic. But keep on shilling.

  • Finally we reached the stage of you throwing shit on the wall in the hope something sticks.

    arxiv.org 1810.02865

    Published by team working for Bangladeshi Nuclear energy providers and reads a bit like a promotion piece. It is cited nowhere but I’m sure their employer/customer was happy.


    Please explain the relevance pertaining to this discussion.


    Way better than your 1st article but still drives on assumed probabilities.

    Safe? No, it isn’t.

    www.science.org/d … /science.254.5038.1603

    This article is by psychologists. Relevance?

    Assuming you did some research on this (who am I kidding though) you should have found at per each article you find that claims storage is safe you’ll find at least 2 incidents disproving that. If you’ll look at the corresponding Wikipedia page you’ll find these are mostly in developed countries or where they can be detected by developed countries. Surely this is just coincidence and not the tip of the proverbial iceberg…

    I could drown you with links & articles of better scientific provenience but since that would be pointless I’d like to point out another fact to consider that doesn’t get discussed enough:

    At current (nuclear energy) consumption level the global stockpile of fissionable material is estimated to provide energy for another 230 years. That seems a lot and would buy us and a couple of future generations time. Until you factor in Germany and others stopping all efforts to implement renewables, emerging countries doing the same and also the rising demand for electricity which is estimated to drive up current nuclear energy consumption by 20. Suddenly that lengthy period of 230 years is gone…

    Fission and fossile both rely on finite consumables. All energy providers have pollution associated with them. Out of these however only renewable get their energy from the sun which is good for another couple of billion years. So the only option is to go all in on renewables.

    Yes, at the very least Germany should have started decades ago but Germans decided they’d like a conservative Government for most of the past 40 years.