• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • And we will keep allowing oligarchical tyrants like Putin to rob us and slaughter our heroes and communities. If we were better people we would’ve put a stop to this already, but the framers know we’re pathetic, which is why fascism will take over the world. For too many decades now I’ve seen movements, protests, demonstrations, voting, all these ways fail us time and time again, only making things slip into worse and worse situations. We need to stop playing the game by their rules, but we can’t even agree with eachother in Lemmy comment threads let alone organize to do anything that matters.

  • Not just their land, but their ideas of “freedom”, “equality”, and “democracy”. Europeans didn’t even know those words until the French Missionaries in the late 1600’s were met with the Indigenous Critique, and how Indigenous Americans had equal rights for men and women, were free to disobey arbitrary authority, had a conglomerate of states that conveined in a “federal” central committee, and could impeach their rulers. Of course, so-called “Enlightenment” philosophers who were just rich trust-fund babies stole that idea to create America and call themselves “Enlightened Thinkers” as if they came up with it themselves, while simultaneously degrading the Indigenous Critique by calling them “savages” who were “less advanced” than Europeans based on evidence they dreamed up while staring at a fireplace (I’m look at you Rousseu and Hobbes), stealing Indigenous politics as their own, and thanking them with ethnic cleansing.

    Fuck Europeans.

  • At least with them gone, they won’t be standing in the way of equity. They’ve proven time and time again they’ll step in the way of progress, so guillotines are just the first step, after that it’s business as usual only with them out of the way, and it’ll become 1000% easier to unfuck things.

  • European nobility predates writing?

    Also if you were actually aware of human history before writing, you’d know we had classless urban environments inhabiting hundreds of thousands without any evidence of hierarchy or top -down management, through systems of credit in the absence of money. You’d be more accurate to say that, since before the invention of writing (whatever that means), we were able to construct societies without a ruling class. Question is, what happened? How did we lose touch with that? How did the abstract concept of ‘wealth’ be able to be converted into power over people? My own opinion is it started around 600BCE when coin was used to pay armies for violent conquests, making money synonymous with violence and dominion.

    It’s hard being married to an archaeologist that’s confronted with evidence that, for most of human history and societies, there wasn’t a ruling class. Why then do we agree to a rolling class, knowing full well the violence and instability it causes?

  • I got my account a while ago but only started using it recently, and this happened to be the first thing I’ve felt strongly enough to comment about. What are you insinuating? What’s so curious about it?

    My point is that I do vote, I have campaigned, I have canvassed, I have phone banked, I have fundraised. Did it for Obama when I was 18, and the so-called “change” never came. I did it for Bernie, even phone banked from overseas, and we all know what happened there. I even tried tackling corporate irresponsibility head on by working for Greenpeace, fundraised and raised awareness, attended protests, helped people send letters to their reps, the whole nine yards. Took all this for me to realize the problems go beyond the purely symbolic particapatory act of “voting”, a piece of paper in a ballot box is simply not enough. Our democracy is going to have to be fought for, that’s what i’m insinuating, if that’s sates any of your curiosity.