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Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • tl;dr/conclusion: just flush your urine. this post isn’t accounting for the increased used of cleaning products caused by urine stains, so really all of these numbers are even lower than they appear. if you actually want to reduce carbon emissions and energy usage, your energy is better spent on political actions. and if you insist on reducing consumption, stop buying avocados and turn off your air conditioning - that’s gonna have magnitudes more of an effect than not flushing.

    Let’s do the math. Average toilet uses about 1.6 gallons (0.00606 m³) of water per flush *. Flushing doesn’t actually use energy, but it takes energy to both

    1) treat the water before it gets to your house and

    2) to pump that water to your house

    It takes about 1 kWh to treat 1,000 gallons of water (3.785 m³) *. That translates to about 0.0016 kWh per 1.6 gallons (0.00606 m³). So it takes 0.0016 kWh in order to treat the amount of water your toilet flushes in a single flush.

    It takes about 3,300 kWh to pump 1 million gallons of water (3785 m³) *. That translates to about 0.00528 kWh per 1.6 gallons (0.00606 m³). So it takes 0.00528 kWh in order to pump that 1.6 gallons (0.00606 m³) of water per flush.

    If we add those two together, we get 0.00688 kWh needed to pump and treat the water every time you flush. Let’s try and put that amount of energy into reference.

    Microwaves use about 1000 watts (1 kW) when running. Therefore, 0.00528 kWh could run a microwave for about 0.318 minutes (or about 19 seconds)

    Computer Desktop: Assuming a desktop consumes around 400 watts, 0.00528 kWh would power it for roughly 0.0132 hours (or about 47 seconds)

    Toasting Bread: A toaster might use around 1 kW of power. Therefore, 0.00528 kWh could power a toaster for about 0.32 minutes (around 19 seconds)

    So, let’s see how much energy we would save if every single household in America flushed one time less per day. There are about 125.7 million households in the US *. That would translate to about 864,816 kWh per day, assuming every household flushed exactly once less than they usually do. Let’s put that figure into reference.

    In 2022 the total US consumption of electricity was 4,271.88 TWh * which is about 11.7 billion kWh per day. This means that if everybody flushed one time less (meaning 864,816 kWh less), it would reduce total energy consumption by about 0.0074%.

    Bitcoin globally consumes around 150 TWh per year *, which translates to approximately 411 million kWh per day. 864,816 kWh represents about 0.21% of the total energy spent on Bitcoin mining per day.

    Air conditioning consumes approximately 6% of the energy in the US *. Since we know that total US consumption in a year is 4,271.88 TWh, that translates to about 702.23 million kWh per day. 864,816 kWh represents about 0.123% of the total energy spent on A/C per day.


    a: https://www.savingwater.org/indoors/toilets/how-much-water-does-your-toilet-use/

    b: https://www.esmap.org/sites/default/files/esmap-files/FINAL_EECI-WWU_TR001-12_Resized.pdf--

    c: https://css.umich.edu/publications/factsheets/water/us-water-supply-and-distribution-factsheet

    d: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/HSD410222

    e: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_of_the_United_States#Electricity_consumption

    f: https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption

    g: https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/air-conditioning

  • all valid points. an AA/NA meeting in an urban area is going to be fundamentally different than a meeting in a rural hillbilly part of the country.

    I agree with what you’re saying. better to sample all sorts of different things. Really I just don’t want people to be scared of going to meetings because of the religious element. I like NA because you meet other people and you start to see patterns and get a sponsor and really dig into why you’re addicted, your life circumstances, etc as you follow the steps.

    I went to 3 meetings a week for 6 months until I felt I didn’t need it anymore and I’ve been clean since. Doesn’t have to be the dramatic “90 in 90” that they recommend.

  • If your health insurance will cover a medical treatment program, that is also wise

    I think stuff like methadone and/or suboxone works, but rehab is sort of a scam. Maybe because I live in what’s termed the “rehab capital of the world” but it has a piss-poor success rate and it just seems like a way to extract as much money as possible from insurance companies by unscrupulous companies.

    and sure, fuck insurance companies, but we’re talking about real people here. people from all across the country come here, end up meeting a bunch of other addicts, get a bunch of connections to find drugs and end up addicted here in south florida. it’s a very common story

    I have a friend of mine who ended up working as a therapist in a rehab, had a master’s degree in psychology and all that - he had gone to rehab over 10 times and was still struggling. He relapsed and lost his job last year.

  • Having done NA to get clean from heroin nearly a decade ago, I’d just like to say it wasn’t really a religious thing at all.

    One of the steps is “surrender to a higher power” but everybody explained to me at the time that it doesn’t have to be religious.

    The idea behind the surrendering thing is that you must

    a) realize that if you’re addicted you’ve been doing something wrong. Something about your habits and/or belief system caused you to get addicted. If you want to get clean, you must change something.

    b) by surrendering you essentially say “OK. I don’t know everything. I will take a leap of faith and try something new”

    I credit NA for my sobriety much more than expensive therapy.

    And I’m not religious and haven’t been since I hit the age of reason.

  • I don’t know man. The entire world for most of human history has gone on just fine without circumcision. I’m eternally grateful I was not born in the US and was brought here as a child so I didn’t get my foreskin cut.

    It’s always an interesting conversation with women. Some prefer it, some don’t, most don’t care. But it is a bit exotic in some areas of the country. Not so much in heavily immigrant areas.

    For example California and Florida the vast majority of people are not circumcised. In Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, etc and other states in mostly white America it’s close to 90%.

  • Almost everything you said is a propaganda and barely have any truth in them

    Everything I said can be sourced.

    Two different court system is there because Muslims don’t want to be in the same legislation as “kuffars”

    Palestinians are subject to martial law. Has nothing to do with “kuffars”.

    in military court, children as young as 12 years old can be handed prison sentences, which is unlawful under the Israeli civil legal system. … all military court hearings are held in Hebrew, which many Palestinian defendants cannot understand. The judges, prosecutors, stenographers, and translators are all uniformed members of the military.

    There are roads only Jews can use? That’s a myth

    Israeli authorities have restricted or prohibited Palestinian travel on 41 roads and sections of roads throughout the West Bank. These roads are open to Israelis, including settlers, allowing them to travel freely on more than 400 miles of roads from which Palestinians are barred.

    Source? US Gov https://www.state.gov/reports/2017-country-reports-on-human-rights-practices/israel-golan-heights-west-bank-and-gaza/israel-golan-heights-west-bank-and-gaza-west-bank-and-gaza/

    Palestinian randomly stabs Israelis, including women and children

    Israelis kill 20x the number of Palestinians. Settlers commit acts of violence all the time. Would that justify treating them worse than blacks in the 1960s?

    Gaza has NOT been under blockade

    Israel has directly controlled Gaza’s airspace, their entire coastline, and controlled their land borders. This is the textbook definition of a blockade.

    Israel blocked or limited specific types of items from going into Gaza - including construction materials. A non-exhaustive list of items

    Amnesty International and other organizations reported that cement, glass, steel, bitumen, wood, paint, doors, plastic pipes, metal pipes, metal reinforcement rods, aggregate, generators, high voltage cables and wooden telegraph poles were "high priority reconstruction materials currently with no or highly limited entry into Gaza through official crossings.

    It’s totally normal that Israel controls entry and exit in Gaza. Why is that a problem? I cannot enter US or EU without visa

    The difference is you can actually apply for a visa to leave. Palestinians cannot leave. They cannot go to West Bank to visit family. In fact, the Israeli Supreme Court actually ruled explicitly that Palestinians living in Gaza cannot visit the other half of Palestine. It’s their country - but they can’t go there. https://www.gisha.org/UserFiles/File/publications_english/Disengagement_Danger_6feb_06.pdf

    Israel killed Palestinians and Palestinians killed Israelis.

    The difference is exactly what you said - one side has all the power. This is a one-sided fight. It’s always been a one-sided fight. Which is why the Palestinians resort to terrorism. They have no other options, they are slowly being suffocated.

    Israel is an apartheid far-right regime. You cannot deny this. Every single point you made has been addressed. I know I’m wasting my time with you, but maybe someone else will read this and learn something.

  • Can you copy paste the exchange that got you banned? I never believe people who complain about bans - they never show the full story. Usually it’s justified, although not always.

    Anyhow, I will ask you a few questions.

    How many Palestinians can Israel kill before it’s not self defense anymore?

    Is apartheid acceptable to you? West Bank has two different court systems- one for Israelis and another for Palestinians. An Israeli teenager might get probation for the same crime that a Palestinian teenager will get 9 months.

    There are roads that only Jews can use. Palestinians can get arrested without reasonable cause and be held without a trial indefinitely.

    Is that OK for you?

    Gaza has been under blockade for decades now. Do you think that’s ok? That a Palestinian can’t just leave?

    Did you know in order to leave Gaza before Oct 7th, a Palestinian needed to apply for a special id with the government of Israel? And they needed a valid reason. And the only reason Israel would ever accept is commercial.

    So for example if you wanted to visit your family member in the West Bank, you would get refused.

    Do you think it’s OK for Israel to have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians before Oct 7th?

    If you look at the statistics, for every 1 Israeli killed there were 20 dead Palestinians.

    I think any rational person who has the capacity for independent thought and has a shred of empathy for other humans will inevitably oppose Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

  • Yeah there’s a lot to talk about. I think however that if Paul didn’t exist, Christianity would have remained a Jewish cult.

    Paul was the Don Draper of the 1st century. He effectively took an illiterate desert people’s religion and molded it in such a way where it would be approachable to the gentile and educated Roman citizens.

    He was a Greek Jew who understood the gentile world. And he made fantastic stories. Iirc in his earliest letter, which became one of the Bible books I don’t remember which, there was nothing about immaculate conception or the 3 day resurrection, or the 3 wise men, etc

    But adding all that stuff adds to the legend and mythology and it helped really spread the religion.

    I think in a lot of ways, Paul is the founder of Christianity. Of course, Jesus is important. He must have been a fascinating figure in his time. Pontius killed thousands of Jews a year, but we really only talk about one.

  • That statistic is wild. I don’t understand how people have such a hard time finding girlfriends. I feel like you give a girl a little affection and she sticks to you like glue.

    I think incels specifically it makes sense because they have a warped and negative perspective on the world. And nobody wants to spend any significant amount of time with a negative Nancy, much less a deluded one.

  • When we talk about the cat being both alive and dead, it’s a simplification to help visualize a quantum phenomenon where particles exist in multiple states simultaneously until measured or observed.

    Schrodinger came up with the cat to represent the absurdity of quantum mechanics because he thought it was absurd - but that doesn’t mean his metaphor isn’t a useful one. Particles like electrons or photons can exist in a state of superposition, where they hold multiple potential states (e.g., spin up and spin down) at the same time. This isn’t just a theoretical curiosity; it’s been experimentally verified in numerous quantum experiments, such as the double-slit experiment.

    The act of measurement in quantum mechanics forces a system to ‘choose’ a definite state from among its superposed states, a process known as wave function collapse. Before measurement, the system genuinely exists in all its possible states simultaneously, not in one state or the other. This is a fundamental aspect of the quantum world