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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • If we’re talking deities, as in supernatural creator beings, the answer would be yes when they want to be made of atoms and no when they don’t want to be. If they have the power of creation and form reality itself, their nature, both physical and spiritual, would be whatever they choose, right?

    If we’re talking non-infinite mind creating a simulated universe that we live in, then it’s more likely that they are made of something, though it may not be atoms or matter as we understand it. They would presumably occupy some sort of physical universe with laws and something like matter to give it physical properties, but there is no reason to assume that the nature of the universe would resemble our own or follow the same laws. Atoms and other forms of matter that we have in our universe may be a construct of our simulation, rather than a constant truth in all universes. And honestly, their universe may not even be physical at all in the sense that we all understand it. The answer is that we don’t know, have no way to know, and may not even have the capacity to understand even if we were given the answer.

  • There was a short period of my adolescence where I got into the church. The lore behind the antichrist myth always interested me. It says that they will rise to power as a widely popular politician who quotes scripture and uses it to manipulate his ends. This idea that they would be widely popular by using scripture means that nearly all Christians would need to fall for their manipulations. And yet, there is a wide spread belief among all Christians that they themselves would of course see through this ploy for what it is. And I gotta tell you, I’m not religious anymore, don’t believe in a literal antichrist, but… I really gotta side with the lore here. All of you religious nutjobs would be totally bought in on an antichrist that used scripture to manipulate you. You already are. Almost none of you seem to see through the manipulation that very unchrist-like people have used to gain your whole-hearted support. They’ve turned the majority of Christians very unchristian, indeed.

    Also: John 2:18 reads “Little children, it is the last time. And as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that this is the last time.”. So there is not just one antichrist, but many. Show me people using scripture to motivate people in to believing the opposite of Christian doctrine and I will show you the entire GOP.

  • I have a few to add.

    1. Gerrymandering eliminated nationally with mathematically randomized district maps with approval required by all major parties and a non-partisan committee, not just the majority party. If no map can be agreed upon, the non-partisan committee gets final say.

    2. (This is more of an amendment to the elimination of the electoral college one…) States do not vote for president, people do. And no person’s vote should matter more or less than another because of the state they live in. Therefore, the person elected president is the one who wins the popular vote nationwide.

    3. The sectors of medicine, pharmacy, education, produce, and communications (cellular and internet) should always have well-funded state providers in the same competitive space as any private option. No part of the nation should be without access to any of these public services in a reasonable distance.

    4. Abortion is added as a constitutionally protected right.

    5. An exact definition to the limits on the executive power, privileges and protections of the President.

    6. Ethical rules for Supreme Court Justices with an oversight process (with teeth) to enforce them, with consequences ranging from mandatory recusals for conflicts of interest, to removal from the bench.

    7. Single purpose bills without any tagalong laws attached to them only.

    8. No bill should be brought to vote until enough time has passed since its publishing that both members of congress and the public have had time to thoroughly read and discuss its contents.

    9. A naming convention for bills that does not allow for names that are blatantly attempts at misleading, meant to evoke emotion, or just marketing gimmicks and “clever” acronyms. No more “P.A.T.R.I.O.T.”, “Stop W.O.K.E”, or “D.R.E.A.M.” acts.

    10. A pathway to cutting the military budget to a fraction of what is is today. Maybe a 10 percent reduction in budget each year for 8 years?