• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • So our (Lutheran) church would bring all of the kids in the congregation up to the front to discuss a theme or passage during each service. We initially had a pretty cool female pastor (who—I later found out—was bullied into leaving because she was a woman 🙃); she at one point told us that to get into heaven, we only needed to ask God to let us in. It made sense to my naive little brain.

    When I was 15, some asshole temp pastor called us up and asked if we know how to get in, and I replied with what I was told; he very condescendingly said “uh, no, you need to believe in God”.

    I was irritated by his tone, yes, but I also hadn’t heard that before, strangely. His response really disturbed me. I thought, what about people across the world who have other faiths? Or children who die before they even have a chance to believe?? You mean my amazingly kind, Buddhist Vietnamese friend is going to HELL?? What the fuck???

    So I began to research alternate viewpoints online, and discovered the ways in which Christianity doesn’t make sense and how it’s often used as an excuse to spread hate and suffering. I just couldn’t justify believing anymore.

  • Arcane, the animated League of Legends show on Netflix.

    Oh MY GOD, every element is seriously SO mind-blowingly good. And imo its animation is at least as good as—if not better than—the Miles Morales Spiderman movies… though they did spend six years working on it tbf.

    And to be clear, while I’m vaguely familiar with LoL, I’ve never played it so I had zero emotional connection to any of the characters before watching.

    Be prepared to cry though. Like the loud, punched-in-the-gut, ugly sobbing kind of crying.

  • No. Absolutely not. As much as reducing the rate of unwanted pregnancy is important, bodily autonomy is paramount. Instead, there needs to be comprehensive sex education and effective birth control for men that isn’t as invasive as a vasectomy. That way, the burden of ensuring appropriate birth control—or its side effects—doesn’t always have to be on women.

    Funnily enough, I just heard of a new birth control for men that isn’t on the market, at least yet… it’s cleverly called Plan A.

    Edit: fixed the link