I write English / Escribo en Español.

Vidya / videojuegos. Internet. Cats / Gatos. Pizza. Nap / Siesta.

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • It’s certainly and obviously not, but:

    • YT is not anywhere near the “literal only possible way”. Heck, air TV still exists!
    • even tho it isn’t, I don’t see you nor anyone acting to that extent, instead you go on a self-defeatist-for-everyone attitude.

    Does Youtube have a monopoly and network effect? Sure, absolutely, and someone’s gotta correct that. But it’s not a complete monopoly in the sense of “if you don’t eat you die”. If the main supermarket in the area doesn’t like me because “boobs” or something, I can still go to a minimarket.

    …Look, you really get tiresome. I’d ask if you are fine but honestly you are not my problem. If you need serotonin or something, get you seen; don’t try to drain mine.

  • Unless they want it to be possible that people see their content.

    That’s what the airwaves are for.

    But no, really, Youtube is neither that open nor that essential that the people not there are Somehow Invisible on the Internet. And even if that was somehow the case, you actually don’t need to upload video, you can just use a normal youtube account to comment and link your content wherever relevant “conversations” lead there.