This account is being kept for the posterity, but it won’t see further activity past February.

If you want to contact me, I’m at /u/

  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • Persuasion itself goes from neutral to negative, depending on your moral standards. (They’re partially individual, partially cultural.) Because at the end of the day it boils down to “I want you to believe in this, because I benefit from your belief.”

    And you definitively see some backslash against this aspect of advertisement; same deal with personal communication, a person being excessively rhetoric for their own benefit is immediately labelled distrustful.

    Then over that propaganda adds further layers of nastiness, like:

    • Often, the one doing propaganda is supposed to defend your interests. Not their/its own.
    • You’ll usually need to omit and lie far more for propaganda than for other things. Because it’s usually a complex matter that involves society as a whole, not just your personal decision.
    • Since the political landscape changes, the discourse being propagated may flip 180°.

  • Let’s go simpler: what if your instance was allowed to copy the fed/defed lists from other instances, and use them (alongside simple Boolean logic plus if/then statements) to automatically decide who you’re going to federate/defederate with? That would enable caracoles and fedifams for admins who so desire, but also enable other organically grown relations.

    For example. Let’s say that you just joined the federation. And there are three instances that you somewhat trust:

    • Alice - it defederates only really problematic instances.
    • Bob and Charlie - both are a bit prone to defederate other instances on a whim, but when both defed the same instance it’s usually problematic.

    Then you could set up your defederation rules like this:

    • if Alice defed it, then defed it too.
    • else, if (Bob defed it) and (Charlie defed it), then defed it too.
    • else, federate with it.

    Of course, that would require distinguishing between manual and automatic fed/defed. You’d be able to use the manual fed/defed from other instances to create your automatic rules, to avoid deadlocks like “Alice is blocking it because Bob is blocking it, and Bob is blocking it because Alice is doing it”.