Blaming bad usability/lack of features on the user is just what it: a bad excuse.
Blaming bad usability/lack of features on the user is just what it: a bad excuse.
disclaimer: opinion here ofc deciding if it is bad depends very much on the viewpoint. But yourself as a human should probably view it from the viewpoint of mankind in general. And then, yes, it is undoubtably bad. It is going to cost humankind an unimaginable amount of money and it’ll increase inequality and unfairness in unimaginable amounts. That’s also why there are so many people denying or not believing it. A lot of humans are uninformed or unable to grasp the issue on a logical level simply because of the scale of the issue.
I didn’t get notification but i cannot let stand your statement. You’re just wrong. Pretty much all of scientists agree that it is unimaginably worse than good. Trying to argue about that is just yourself coping with denying the issue at hand.