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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • By and large most millennials were children of boomers. Even a boomer born in '46 would only be 19 and average at first birth hovered around 24 for their generation. Most kids born from 1980-1991 which covers 75% of the years millennials were born had boomer parents. Math isn’t on your side and you keep saying Gen Xers did it, but what proof do you have?

  • I saw this movie and I don’t think she was meant to be poor, she was supposed to be a member of the working class compared to everyone else wasn’t working class. She’s a high end escort on an island retreat with the most famous chef in the world, I somehow don’t think she charges $40 for some dome. The head chef is also clearly not a poor person, but is still working class. That distinction was kind of the entire point of the movie

  • Eh, I think you’d be surprised. It really takes a lot of time to get someone from new hire to productive member of a team. Even with the money to just shotgun hire new people and keep good fits it still takes time for them to understand the vision, tech stack, workflow, and culture. I honestly think software is an environment where finding and investing in good people matters more than money and that no amount of venture capital will fix that

    Highly motivated developers with passion projects will always exist (Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Undertale, Dwarf Fortress). However producing high quality art in a corporate environment is possible, repeatable, and scalable if you acknowledge the inherent reality of creative development

  • means “days” are no longer the same as “days”

    Who gets to pick when “noon” is when the sun is usually above their head? Let’s assume Greenwich for posterity sake. That means a bunch of the world will spend most of their “daytime” in traditionally nighttime hours. Thus spending your day (time when the sun is up) and your day (the time when you do your work) will not intuitively mean the same thing

    complicates both secular and religious law

    Islam requires regular prayer in the direction of mecca and plenty of nations have Islamic law. At a minimum they’d have to rewrite those laws, at most it’d cause a literal schism

    is a staggering inconvenience for a minimum of five billion people

    “We changed how clocks work for almost everyone on the planet to make some nerds’ lives easier. Please go change your planners, clocks, schedules, applications, signs, etc to adjust”

    makes it near-impossible to reason about time in other parts of the world

    In most of the world, you can reasonably assume the sun goes up around 7 am and sets around 7. Obviously that changes but you can pretty reasonably assume when people will be around and doing stuff by looking at their time. In this new system you’ll need to figure out what times people do most of their activities based off of geological segments of the planet and checking what their “daytime” is. Which is already a problem timezones address

    is not simpler at all

    On a base level maybe, but after fixing all the other problems it causes the resulting system would likely be just as if not more complicated than our current time system

  • When you live in a place with a lot of tornadoes you learn when you need to be scared and when you don’t. Tornado watch? Go about your day. Tornado warning? Get in a building, check the news. Sky is turning green? Shit is about to get real. They happen a lot and the vast majority don’t do any significant damage. I imagine it’s how people near fault zones react to most earthquakes or people in tropical areas react to heavy rain