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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So what should US do? Calmly sit down and shout: “We are bad, please kill us.”

    Not build a country on land in use. If you can’t do that, at least leave them alone. Not a single West Bank city can develop anymore since it would just collide into the area near the settlements (which would lead to getting shot). At least leave them alone.

    Also, what you are essentially doing is picking a specific point of time in history, dubbing a it a root cause and then you excuse the other side’s actions.

    I’m not sure what you mean by this? Maybe you are confusing me with someone else?

    Rome for the conflict in the middle east because if Romans hadn’t forced out jews thousands years ago, this wouldn’t have happened.

    The Jews did come back already, a long time ago. Then they converted to Christianity and then to Islam: https://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/jews.html

    So all Israel’s war crimes are actually Romans’ fault, so now let’s collectively blame them.

    This is technically anti-Semitic. Not all Jews are the same. Some are black, some are white, some are Middle Eastern.

  • If you don’t have human rights for a land’s native population; you are a country that infringes on human rights. It’s very simple. Plus, Palestine is a secular nation and it borders other secular nations like Lebanon (well at least the region of Palestine does). Unlike the country that believes in “old testament justice.”

    Even in Jordan, which is NOT a secular country, as long as you don’t display physical affection in public (which is frowned upon on all groups) you’ll be fine. I have even heard of white gay people moving to Amman because they said the people there mind their own business (I can’t find the link to this anymore).