So what ur saying is severs should have a default ban list for users that u can be ammended if u want? Maybe label each server as to why its on the list so u can unban an instance and not have to check if its depraved shit urself.
So what ur saying is severs should have a default ban list for users that u can be ammended if u want? Maybe label each server as to why its on the list so u can unban an instance and not have to check if its depraved shit urself.
Dont see how it will become a nazi bar if u can personally delete them from your existance.
I mean its 100% true.
That raises the question where did the boxes of us goverment secrets trump loaded onto a plane end up?
The rats your honour
With ai tools i hardly ever type anything a lot of typing 1 letter then hitting tab for ai prediction inserts.
On it
For the love of god fix ur mobile css
Yeah sometimes i wonder why i argue with these assholes then i come up with a line like “hop skip and a bolt to the head” and my little monkey brains goes hahahaha. I mean im trying not to think abt it too hard but the vegans might be right we arnt that different we kill our fellow humans with almost every action we take so in the end its the vegans who care so much about not harming animals that murder is illegal therefore its their fault there is any difference at all.
Actually weed might have an edge their i do become a better programmer when im heigh.
Its foss go ask chatgpt and submit a pull request.
Are you telling me how to love now. I though telling people how to love got them labeled as homophobic?
Scaled sort is busted allegedly and the big communities are dominating on all the sort options thats a real problem that needs fixing.
Its only increasing the sorting cost by a linear factor wont have an effect on the big O notation
Im glad u appreciated my shitty pun
Actually thats the funny and really sad thing. America has guns as they copied the swiss system of an armed militia then kept the guns and abolished the militia creating the basket case they have now with a shitonne of guns and not enough people trained to be safe with them.
Yeah and u can eat a pet u love no matter what kind.
I dont see a problem here wont effect the people who sub to sport and thus care cos if all the sports getting downvoted nobody is.
Why does sorting need to be in the db?
Wven still we can probably acheive a decent customisation partually customisable sorts
Say we only care about upvotes, downvotes, comments, timefactor
Say we break it down so u can set a custom weighting for each of these eg 0, .25, .5, .1 then make a sort for all combinations thats only 4^4 = 256 combinations its a lot but seems within the real of possibility we still avoid needing to custom sort for each user.
I feel its a feature not a bug. It theoretically should filter the overall content to a more “average” viewpoint be the one that bubbles to the top this should mean that the more extreme views will be downvoted more and help solve the massive political divide that the existing echochambers have helped create.
Downvotes will always be used as a “i dont like this” and “i disagree with this” thats just what people gonna do when they have an emotional responce to somethibg they see. I recon its fine tho cos all people are going to dislike bad content but only specific groups will dislike other content. Might lead to some groups getting targetted but only the extremists like the nazis, communists, and vegans will be targeted and thats fine they are extremists.
Work bakers hours at walmart most likly means put frozen doaugh in an oven then hit the auto cook button.