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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Thank you for taking the time. It definitely is worth explaining! I didn’t have time and am glad you did :)

    And this is the thing so many people don’t understand: Bias doesn’t have to be intentional. Racism, bigotry, privilege, etc can all happen purely because we’re flawed beings that find it difficult to think outside our own lived experiences

    I like to make a point of calling out the difference between “fault” and “responsibility”…

    As a cis white man born in the 1980s, it’s not my fault that black people in America suffer from the long term consequences of slavery and segregation

    But as a cis white man born in the 1980s, who has comparatively benefited from the systems built on the foundations of slavery and segregation, I am - and others like me are - responsible for making it right, today.

    And anyone who doesn’t believe that should read some T.M. Scanlon

  • While America has it especially bad, because of our history with black slavery, the subject isn’t limited to America by any means, and isn’t limited to black people.

    For example, the camera issue I discussed above is not limited to the US.

    Racism exists all over the world. And anywhere that racism exists, and the racists held authority or leadership positions, you will find applications of critical race theory. Because even really, really subtle racism gets institutionalized in crazy, unexpected ways.

    EDIT: I’ll add that it’s not just race either. There are all sorts of weird ways that preferential treatment of the majority in power sneaks into our lives.

    Here’s a silly one: Novelty coffee mugs are biased against left handed people. No joke.

  • A reality in which the thread of racism has been so pervasive throughout our history that we can find its downstream effects in surprising ways. A reality in which - and I’m dead serious about this - we can clearly trace the path from prehistoric mineral deposits, to slavery, to congressional districts. A reality in which the implementation of fundamental institutions can be shown to work in favor of white people. A reality where it took until Google decided to do something about before we began to redesign cameras so they produced equally good photographs of black people as they do white people.

    I could go on but I hope you get the picture

  • oh I see, you just suck at reading comprehension

    Please go reread the post you replied to. Nobody, myself included, “decided it had to be about the US”. They asked a question. They wanted to know if it could be malicious, and the thing that made them think about it was the fact it’s Super Tuesday.

    The only thing I’ve ever been arguing is that it is reasonable to think about whether BGP could be abused for malicious intent when you realize it’s Super Tuesday. That’s it. It’s a reasonable connection to make that would precipitate the question. They didn’t even ask “is this because it’s Super Tuesday?”

    But go off, chief. Can’t pass up a perfectly good opportunity to let your angst out

  • This is an example of how you can make factually true statements that are contextually irrelevant.

    When a major outage occurs on the day in US politics when 15 states all vote for their party nominees, it’s not unreasonable to question whether there was malicious intent.

    You’re like a “not all men” or “all lives matter” person barging into a conversation, hijacking a perfectly reasonable discussion to push your agenda. Just stop.

  • Ahhh yes, let me just get all of my brothers’ business’ account’s followers to switch to telegram. I’m sure they’ll all be willing…

    “Just use something else, duh!” is ignorant. Not everyone uses social media to just post memes and argue with strangers. Some people use it for making money, or for access to support resources, or for a specific community that is important to their well-being.