Thank you for the feedback. I had a lot of fun playing with the model (and still have some improvements on my mind that might require porting it outside of Shadertoy)
Is there any part that was especially hard to understand ? I’m trying to make it as clear as possible for developers without a scientific background.
I can recommend some stuff I’ve been using myself :
I design, deploy and maintain such infrastructures for my own customers, so feel free to DM me with more details about your business if you need help with this
Sur mon instance (dans l’appli et version web) ça n’a pas l’air filtré. Tu es sur que ça ne vient pas de ton instance ?
Ce n’est pas mon analyse, les blocs de citations que j’ai postés sont directement tirés de l’article (d’où mon autre commentaire qui dit que l’article est intéressant malgré le choix de son titre)
Merci pour la précision. L’article est pas inintéressant non plus. Je trouve juste dingue cette manière de titrer presque a contre courant du fond de l’article
Hum, je crois que tu t’es trompé de post ? :)
le SMB a progressé de 0,8 % et même de 1,4 % pour les ouvriers mieux lotis grâce à la revalorisation automatique du SMIC
Mince alors. Si j’avais su j’aurais fait ouvrier pour être mieux loti que les autres avec mon smic ! C’est à la limite du supportable ce type de tournure…
Les salaires progressent toujours plus vite que les prix, mais les augmentations ralentissent
Je trouve ce titre au mieux imprécis, au pire trompeur… Dans tous les cas c’est tres peu clair sur la nature du phénomène qu’on décrit. Personellement, je comprend en lisant ce titre un truc du style “depuis toujours, les salaires augmentent plus vite que l’inflation”, alors que d’après le contenu de l’article, ça fait seulement depuis 2 ou 3 trimestres :
« Les salaires ont réagi avec retard à l’inflation. En revanche, ils ralentissent presque en même temps que les hausses de prix, ce qui nous a beaucoup surpris », reconnaît Dorian Roucher, chef du département Conjoncture à l’Insee.
Alors que les ménages n’ont guère pu compter sur leurs salaires pour limiter leurs pertes de pouvoir d’achat face au choc inflationniste de ces deux dernières années, les gains qui se profilent en 2024 risquent de décevoir. Dans ses prévisions, l’Institut de la statistique attend une hausse de 2,9 % du SMB pour l’année en cours après un bond de 4,3 % en 2023. Les salaires réels augmenteraient « modestement » en 2024, de 0,6 % selon l’Insee. « La dynamique des salaires cette année ne compenserait donc pas les pertes cumulées par les salariés en 2022 et 2023 qui ont atteint 2,5 % », souligne Dorian Roucher.
On est quand même très loin de l’optimisme que suggère le titre de l’article !
I’m pretty sure they are actually hosting it. The tech is quite different (cofractal uses urls ending with {z}/{x}/{y}
, while their tile sever uses this stuff that works quite differently)
They told me about hosting their own tile server earlier today. I’m really impressed by how fast they moved !
A pull request for a privacy page during the onboarding is in the works, and I’ve been working with them to update the settings page and documentation (with the goal of providing an easy way to switch map providers). They are also working on a privacy policy, and want to ship all of this in a few weeks as part of a single release.
Once again, I’m really impressed with how well they’re handling this
With all the botting going on on Reddit, this whole Google AI deal makes me think of the recent paper that demonstrates that, as common sens would suggest, deep learning models collapse when successive generations are trained on the previous generations’ output
never stopped POSTing, even though I configured nginx to always respond 403 to anything from them for about a year now.
Lol, there are definitely some stubborn user agents out there. I’ve been serving 418 to a bunch of SEO crawlers - with fail2ban configured to drop all packets from their IPs/CIDR ranges after some attemps - for a few months now. They keep coming at the same rate as soon as they get unbanned. I guess they keep sending requests into the void for the whole ban duration.
Using 418 for undesirable requests instead of a more common status code (such as 403) lets me easily filter these blocks in fail2ban, which can help weed out a lot of noise in server logs.
Your sensitive data and logins are tied to email addresses, which are tied to domains. Lose your domain, someone can access everything.
I recently stumbled upon an article showing how bad this can be when the expired domains were used for important/serious stuff
I think they do get marked as dead after the Bodis subdomain does not act as a Lemmy instance. But I was wondering if a large number of instances “waking up from the dead” and acting maliciously could cause some trouble. Or would such “undead” instances pose no more threat to the fediverse than the same number of newly created malicious instances ? I’m mainly thinking about stuff like being in a privileged position to DoS most instances at once, or impersonation of accounts that used to actually exist on these “undead” instances
Is named
actually running as the bind
user inside the container ? Maybe a USER bind
line below the RUN
lines will help.
I’ll probably look into newer fancier options such as Caddy one day, but as far as I remember Nginx has never failed me : it’s stable, battle tested, and extremely mature. I can’t remember a single time when I’ve been affected by a breaking change (I could not even find one by searching changelogs) and the feature set makes it very versatile. Newer alternatives seem really interesting, but it seems to me they have quite frequent breaking changes and are not as feature rich.
That being said, I’d love to see side-by-side comparison of Nginx and Caddy configs (if anyone wants to translate to Caddy the Nginx caching proxy for OSM I shared earlier this week, that would make a good and useful example), as well as examples of features missing from Nginx. This may give me enough motivation to actually try Caddy :)
(edit : ad->and)
I don’t use nginx-proxy-manager, but if you want to share what you tried, I will try to help you figure what’s not working
It’s the clients (web/android app, probably iOS too) that are making these requests.
To the best of my knowledge, the Immich server inside the container is not making requests to the outside. It is merely sending a style.json
to the client displaying a map, which then fetches tiles from the Cofractal URL inside this JSON.
Or you can quite easily configure nginx as your personal caching proxy with an arbitrarily long TTL/retention duration (you can check out my follow-up post for instructions on doing that)
I used to wonder what kind of nerd notices this kind of thing, now I’m one of them
Edit : If you want to join us :
I did not expect such a detailed code review (the fact that you wrote it on mobile impresses me even more), but I strongly agree with everything you mentioned. I think I was so caught up learning GLSL and its quirks, then playing and experimenting with the simulation, that I “forgot” my coding standards. Anyway, I’ll make sure to take some time to update both the code and the article following your recommandations.