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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Not related to the article at all mate.

    This article is about how many plugins have Bern discovered to have implemented oath in a very insecure way and simply using them can expose your sensitive info you have linked to your chatgpt account.


    1. You connect your github account to your chatgpt account (so you can ask chatgpt questions about your private codebase)

    2. You install and use one of many other compromisable weakly implemented plugins

    3. Attacker uses the weak plugin to compromise your whole account and can now access anything you attached to your account, IE they can now access your private git repos you hooked up in step 1…

    Most of the attack vectors involve a basic (hard to notice) phish attack on weak oath urls.

    The tricky part is the urls truly are and look legit. It isn’t a fake url, it actually links to the legit page, but they added some query params (the part after the ? In the url) that compromise the way it behaves

  • Note that ChatGPT indeed implemented a state parameter, but their state was not a random value, and therefore could be guessed by the attacker.

    Bruh wut, rookie mistake.

    State is supposed to be mathematically random and should expire fairly quickly.

    I always have used a random guid that expires after 10-15 minutes for state, if they try and complete the oauth with an expired state value I reject ad ask them to try again.

    Also yeah the redirect uri trick is common, that’s why oath apis must always have a “whitelist urls” functionality. And not just domain, the whole url.

    That’s why when you make a Google api token you gotta specify what urls it’s valid for explicitly. That way any other different redirect uri gets rejected, to prevent an injection attack from a third party providing their own different redirect uri to a victim.

    Oath is pretty explicit about all these things in its spec. It really sucks people treat it as optional “not important” factors.

    It’s important. Do it. Always.

  • This one is really interesting. Primarily speaking ants a good example of where this type of genetic expression is taken to its logical extreme.

    It’s basically the “aunt” and “uncle” survival trait that shows up in communal creatures. Homosexuality shows up in creatures that both need to raise their young and stay together in herds. So humans of course very much satisfy this condition.

    So how’s this relate to ants (and bees and termites too)?

    In a colony, technically speaking everyone is the queens offspring, so everyone are siblings.

    The queens aletes (prince and princess ants if you will) are only the queens offspring, all the drones dont sexually reproduce.

    Yet, the drones all care for the offspring as if they are their own, that’s kinda weird from a survival standpoint right?

    Well it’s simple, the drones are clones of the queen, so they also heavily share genetics with the offspring. From a genetic standpoint there’s no difference.

    So if the drones take care of the offspring like their own, and the offspring go on to mate, then the drones genetics also propagate. They have a evolutionary pressure to raise the babies despite not having any of their own.

    The same occurs for homosexuality. Human babies are a lot of work to take care of, and if you have a sibling you share a lot of genetics, then you have an evolutionary pressure to take care of your nephews and neices. It’s the “next best” option to propagating your own children. The genetic difference isn’t much worse.

    So what ends up happening is you have an evolutionary benefit if a percent of your population is born homosexual, as they will help with raising their nieces and nephews, and it turns out this combo has a net higher survival rate than just everyone being hetero.

    So over thousands of years we get this gradual pressure to settle on a sweet spot of some % of us being gay.

    This is also a solid explanation for the “fifth brother” thing, where every son a mother has is exponentially more likely to be gay. We haven’t fully isolated what causes it (its prolly hormones) but it’s a well known occurring phenomina that the more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay.

    Based on the above supposition, it’d 100% make sense from an evolution standpoint for mothers to produce homosexual offspring if they have multiple healthy children, as after a certain point it makes sense strategy wise to have a couple gay uncles/aunts that naturally help their older siblings with childcare.

    It’s just way way better for survival in nature if not everyone is pumping out babies, and a handful just aren’t into that but still take care of their family.

    Basically it’s quality over quantity!

  • Mature women is straightforward, older = more knowledge and capable.

    Pretty much everything else you listed is about trust, so I’d say that trust is a very big thing you value in a partner, and due to humans very long time they spend dependant on parents and our community survival strategy, trust is very much a trait that is selected for.

    People that are untrustworthy are unattractive, a lot of kinks primarily build on top of publicly shameful acts in private, which is effectively the ultimate trust fall exercise.

    Feeling like you can trust a partner with such acts is very very positively reinforced genetically, so it becomes sexually attractive.

    In short: because humans live together and make complex communities, trust is important, which means getting kinky is very sexy as it signals deep rooted trust.

  • In a world of chaotic magic though, you also have to factor in the potential side effects of jailing someone with uncontrolled magic.

    It’s very possible that jailing her could make things worse, potentially producing disastrous effects.

    I’d say banishment would be more practical, ideally sending her off to somewhere where she can get help. At least temporarily relocating her out of range of harming others, then promptly sending messengers to kingdoms to find anyone who may be able to help her with her powers.

    While of course still keeping her supplied and having a liason between her abd the kingdom, so she isn’t totally isolated, and keeping her updated on attempts to locate help.

    Of course this should’ve been done long before she was a grown woman, she should’ve had a teacher found when she was still a child, instead of just locking her up in her room forever.

    I’ll keep it a headcannon that this was reasonably the case, that her entire childhood in isolation simultaneously had messengers desperately searching for help far and wide, and they truly just never were able to find her a teacher or anyone who knew wtf was going on and could help, her powers were just that esoteric.

    Anything less wouldn’t make sense, but perhaps wasn’t worth spending screen time on…

  • a country known for its bad treatment of women

    Making assumptions about someone/something based off its country of origin sounds pretty xenophobic to me.

    The robot didn’t “grope” a woman, it moved its hand as an animitronic, and she was clearly standing right next to it during its animations.

    The fact that was blatantly blown into “groping” abd the fact the article felt the need to repeat that it happened in Saudi repeatedly, over and over, should trip the xenophobia alarm.

    Consider if it was an article about how an animitronic robot that moved and knocked a man’s wallet out of his hand because he walked to close past it. I.agine if articles turned that into “Jewish made robot tries to steal man’s wallet!” Unironically.

    You’d probably look at that and go “yeah okay, that’s pretty fucked up, whyd the do that?” Right?

  • “Small” breasts typically are still large compared to a man’s chest.

    There are other factors than size anyways, for any feature. For breasts as an example, symmetry, skin clarity, and firmness will also signal a healthy prospective mate.

    “Small” breasts usually actually means “not sagging due to age”, as naturally speaking breasts, cheeks, and the neck of humans are common areas where sagging due to collagen levels can be witnessed in older age, so these are common cited areas of sexyal attraction.

    So “small” breasts really just means “not old”, which is fairly normal to signal the health of a potentional sexual partner.

  • To activate monkey neurons, it has to be an indicator of health.

    As an example, large breasts indicate health, as malnourishment during adolescence tends to result in smaller breasts later on.

    Muscles indicate health as well, so they tend to be considered attractive.

    For non health related features, like a symmetrical face, those ones are the non sexual dimorphic characteristics, as those ones you care about transferring regardless of sex. Both men and women want a symmetrical face, basically.

    So a large Adam’s apple is both a dimorphic feature and a non indicator of health, so its ignored.

  • to do nothing and blame genetics

    You are doing the same, just a layer of abstraction and human constructing out.

    Addiction, and the willpower struggle, are genetic. You are aware things like ADHD exist, yes? Abd that ADHD is genetic?

    Willpower is inherent to psychological topology, which is an abstracted idea overtop of the physical makeup of your brain, which is heavily genetically influenced.

    The other half is environment.

    Primarily speaking, the combination of a poor environment (which most people suffer nowadays in the west) and a “bad roll” on genetics for what brain you end up with, and you become heavily predisposed towards addictive behavior patterns.

    And while eating and obesity aren’t the only addictive behaviors, of course, they are both legal and highly available making them very common.

    What I’d be curious about is how you think “willpower” isnt genetic. Are you suggesting it’s somehow an external force outside the human body…? That’d make no sense.

    Largely speaking this sort of statement is just an attempt to discard establish science by just smothering a layer of abstraction overtop and pretend it’s something else.

    “Willpower” is not a quantitative established metric, OP. How do you measure it? How do you quantify it?

    Dopamine exhaustion, decision fatigue, and executive function however are established concepts that are easier to discuss in a serious manner.

    Would I agree that obesity has a comorbodity with poor executive function? Yes, 100%!

    Would I say that executive function isn’t genetic? God no, it’s heavily genetic, when it is particularly bad that’s literally called ADHD.