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Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • qevlarr@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    I want to remind people of a different advice that similarly gets people into bad situations:

    “The worst that can happen, is they say no. Go shoot your shot”

    Yeah, that’s the worst that you think may happen. The worst that can happen is you misjudged the situation and now you’re making someone fear for their safety, and you’re a horrible creep in the eyes of anyone they talk to. You may get into trouble with your employer, friends, family, you really don’t know. And you only have yourself to blame. And don’t underestimate the effects of shame (as in: feeling guilty about something bad you did)

    I’m not saying flirting is never permissible, but you should set boundaries based on the perspective of the other as well. The advice “worst case, they say no” is not at all asking the question how the other would feel being approached in this way. They may have more to lose than you do

  • AfD are not all Germans. You know this. There have been widespread protests. I’m assuming you’re Dutch and I hope you would be equally offended if people said you are complicit in Geert Wilders horrible utterings. There aren’t any widespread protests of PVV as for the AfD.

    I don’t see the point in arguing here, to be honest. I am not defending anything bad here. I’m just sick of the kneejerk reaction equating present day Germans to actual 1940s Nazis for shits and giggles.

    We need Germans who support Israel unconditionally to consider that Jews aren’t the victims this time, and that protecting Jewry from antisemitism does not mean they can’t do anything wrong, ever. It doesn’t help if people show a blatant disregard for the history and sensibilities of German society

  • This right here is what I’m talking about. We all know the history, thank you very much. Germany’s stance comes from extreme loyalty to Jews to make up for past crimes, not from a desire to genocide Gazans. I can’t say it any more plainly. These jokes and remarks about “Germans always be genociding” are insulting and incorrect.

    And you don’t have to explain to me how Israel is absolutely in the wrong in this conflict, my friend. Israel is committing (and has been committing) genocide and I condemn that to the fullest. Not only should there be a ceasefire, there should be an end to the occupation

  • I’m as appalled as anyone here, but as someone who speaks German, follows German media and worked in Germany for several years, please stop with the misinformed “Germany supporting genocide again, I guess they never change hurr durr” bullshit.

    Germans know their history and every kid is taught a deep shame of what past Germans had done. They feel they owe an infinitely large debt to all Jews for the horrors of the holocaust. They all still feel responsible.

    There are laws against antisemitism. Again, this is reasonable for a country with this history. They don’t want any of this to come back, or to make a joke or justification of what happened. Joke about Nazis in public and you’ll find yourself in trouble immediately.

    About the current events in Gaza. German media and politicians interpret criticism of Israel as coming from antisemitism, even if the criticism itself may be justified. They may not hear your arguments at all, if they think you’re just saying these things because of some secret antisemitic agenda. It’s not that there isn’t any criticism, but there is very little and it’s always surrounded with a lot of “I’m not antisemitic” qualifiers. You can say something about the Israeli government, but not about the existence of Israel itself. You can call the killing in Gaza terrible tragedy, but never a genocide. Public protest doesn’t do that kind of nuance, so it’s regarded as highly suspect. The chant “from the river to the sea” is tainted, so you can’t say it at all, regardless of intent, interpretation of its meaning, they will flat out stop you. In this sense, dialog is certainly difficult. Once you cross the line, they will dismiss anything after that as the ramblings of just another antisemite. It’s not possible to have the difficult conversations at all.

    I’m not saying I agree with any of this, but this is how German society at large sees it. For me personally, zionism and Israel are harmful remnants of colonialist thinking that have no place in this century. Germany needs to grow up when it comes to their stance on Israel. Israel can’t keep oppressing Arabs the way they have. Peace can only come from trying to restore justice and that means equal rights for non-Jews, return of land, right to return of refugees, economic aid, etcetera.

    Germany should look at South Africa, Northern Ireland and to their own German Unification as examples from history to follow, and admit their holocaust trauma is distorting their view of the current situation.