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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Without giving Amazon too much of the benefit of the doubt here, I’ve noticed they love to offer you “coupons”, generally with a midnight expiry.

    I expect it’s 100% a tactic to get you to commit to something you’ve looked at a couple of times but might be on the fence about buying.

    I get the same as OP’s logged-out price (nothing hidden) while logged in, perhaps if they are offering a coupon it would take it below the minimum advertised price.

    Definitely stupid, but it’s the only way I can see of arriving at this situation.

  • Since the realistic competitor here is probably magnetic tape, current-generation (LTO9) media can transfer at around 400MB/s, taking 12 hours and change to fill an 18TB tape.

    Earlier archival optical disk formats (https://news.panasonic.com/global/stories/798) claimed 360MB/s, but I believe that is six, double-sided discs writing both sides simultaneously, so 30MB/s per stream. Filling the same six (300GB) discs would take about an hour and a half.

    Building the library to handle and read/write in bulk is always the issue though. The above optical system fit 1.9PB in the space of a server rack (and I didn’t see any options to expand further when that was current technology), and by the looks is 7 units that each can be writing a set of discs (call that 2.5GB/s total).

    In the same single rack you’d fit 560 LTO tapes (10.1PB for LTO9) and 21 drives (8.4GB/s).

    So they have a bit of catching up to do, especially with LTO10 (due in the next year or so) doubling the capacity and further increasing the throughput.

    There’s also the small matter that every one of these massive increases in optical disc capacity in recent years has turned out to be vapourware. I mean I don’t doubt that they will achieve it someday, but they always seem to go nowhere.

  • From the video description:

    I have been a Samsung product user for many years, and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon

    And all sympathy I had for this person just vanished. If you don’t demand better, they will keep doing - and getting away with - shit like this.

    Voting with your wallet might be the one voice you have left in this world, what a way to squander it by continuing to buy products from companies whose representatives behave in this manner.

  • I’ve never seen them in a store here in New Zealand. I’ve been trying to grow them, but while the tree is doing well it is yet to produce fruit.

    I did manage to buy some at a supermarket in Berlin a few years ago while on holiday, they were packed like cherry tomatoes in a clear plastic punnet.

    The egg-shaped fruit you’ve got are frequently the “Meiwa” or “Nagami” cultivars, OP’s round fruit may be the “Marumi”.

  • I bought one of the really sturdy kind (weighs about 40kg / 88lb). Uprights are solid 100mm/4" rounds of pine, none of that hollow cardboard tube nonsense.

    My XL-sized void loves to haul arse into the room and leap right from the ground to the top level (around 1.6m / 5’3" from the floor), which makes the thing rock side to side fairly precariously. He hasn’t knocked it over yet, but some day I’m sure he’ll come in too hot.

  • Not in so much detail, but it’s also really hard to define unless you’ve one specific metric you’re trying to hit.

    Aside from the included power/cooling costs, we’re not (overly) constrained by space in our own datacentre so there’s no strict requirement for minimising the physical space other than for our own gratification. With HDD capacities steadily rising, as older systems are retired the total possible storage space increases accordingly…

    The performance of the disk system when adequately provisioned with RAM and SSD cache is honestly pretty good too, and assuming the cache tiers are adequate to hold the working set across the entire storage fleet (you could never have just one multi-petabyte system) the abysmal performance of HDDs really doesn’t come into it (filesystems like ZFS coalesce random writes into periodic sequential writes, and sequential performance is… adequate).

    Not mentioned too is the support costs - which typically start in the range of 10-15% of the hardware price per year - do eventually have an upward curve. For one brand we use, the per-terabyte cost bottoms out at 7 years of ownership then starts to increase again as yearly support costs for older hardware also rise. But you always have the option to pay the inflated price and keep it, if you’re not ready to replace.

    And again with the QLC, you’re paying for density more than you are for performance. On every fair metric you can imagine aside from the TB/RU density - latency, throughput/capacity, capacity/watt, capacity/dollar - there are a few tens of percent in it at most.

  • There’s some space occupied by the servo tracks (which align the heads to the tap) in LTO, but if we ignore that…

    Current-generation LTO9 has 1035m of 12.65mm wide tape, for 18TB of storage. That’s approximately 13.1m², or just under 1.4TB/m².

    A 90 minute audio cassette has around 90m of 6.4mm wide tape, or 0.576m². At the same density it could potentially hold 825GB.

    DDS (which was data tape in a similar form factor) achieved 160GB in 2009, although there’s a lot more tape in one of those cartridges (153m).

    Honestly, you’d be better off using the LTO. Because they’re single-reel cartridges (the 2nd is inside the drive), they can pack a lot more tape into the same volume.