A devastated Software Systems student, libre software promoter. Sometimes I draw pixel art. Very fond of classical Computer Science and Touhou project.

Autism® Inside™

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2023


  • Rust v3: “It’s three hours and I’m still compiling dependencies”

    EDIT: Also, “What does Option[Arc[Mutex[BTreeMap[String, Box[RefCell[Box[amp mut F>>>>>>> where F : Fn(T) -> U in your essay mean?” (srry, I didn’t come up with a better obscure data type, it’s probably gibberish)

    EDIT2: Lemmy deletes ‘less than’ sign for some damn reason (time to build Lemmy at home?)

  • ~ $ adware
    (...ncurses ad featuring blockchain shows for 10 seconds...)
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    ~ $ 
    (plugs in ethernet cable)
    ~ $ adware
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    Activate Adware
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    (...ncurses ad featuring alt medicine displays for 30 seconds...)
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    Interrupt rejected. Please watch all the ads.
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    The last step I leave to you.