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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Exactly. Are you intentionally pointing out the obvious and repeating my point while also missing the larger point? I think the answer is yes.

    I’ll try to explain one more time. This dorkus and everyone else complaining about the length of the cord have no idea what is going on. DC cords are always short, I could explain why but I’m not sure many would understand. The rivian just like my Ioniq5, my ioniq phev and every other ev on the market has the charging port in one of 2 locations, front or back of the car, usually driver front and passenger rear. This means that the dork in the article didn’t need to parallel park to reach the charger, they could have backed in or pulled in normally and all would have been well.

    The above doesn’t absolve the 911 caller of being an asshat.

  • They aren’t the only one with short cords and gas pumps have had this issue for a long time. The number of people I’ve seen trying to get the nozzle over to the other side of the car is not a small one. I’m fairly certain that this is an issue with all DC chargers, probably because A) that shit is expensive and B) they get really heavy really quickly when you add length.

    It’s clear in these comments how many people have no idea about evs and the chargers.

  • Wait? What? Where exactly is the charging port on the rivian? Is it inside a door or something? The ports are usually at the front or the back and you should do yourself a favor and park so that the port is closest to the charger.

    My Ioniq5s port is on the passenger rear of the car, if I attempted to pull in front first I wouldn’t be able to reach the port on most chargers. This isn’t a tesla problem, this is an idiot problem.

    The above said, we could use a move to gas pump style chargers, space them apart enough and let people pull in based on which side of the car the port is, that way it’s easier on everyone and it allows for the odd ev pulling a trailer to charge without either taking the time to disconnect the trailer or having to parallel park like this idiot apparently did and block multiple spots.

    Edit:just looked it up and yep, rivian has them in the normal spots. Some are upfront and others are in the back. Dude in this story should have backed his ass in if it was in the back. I have to do this with the DC chargers. Plus, backing in to a parking spot (when you can) is the way to go, it makes life easier and safer when you need to leave.

  • rdyoung@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    Real estate isn’t that simple. Way too many layers of work and bureaucracy between wanting to build something and making it happen even when you have the cash to make it so. Many of these layers are essential, others like nimby idiots are not. We need more housing for people and it would take a huge increase in available housing to have any negligible effect on any one individuals house/property value.

    As for restaurants. It’s also not that simple. Most restaurants fail in the first year or two. You have to figure out what type of food is in demand and then maybe be willing and able to shift to something else if the market gets oversaturated.

  • I’m considering buying a few shares (if I can grab just a few) just to watch it burn. And so I can be part of history. Or I’ll wait for it crash after the ipo and grab a few as a likely to never profit but might type of play.

    You guys really are no fun. I’m not going to throw thousands at them but if robinhood or sofi or whoever will let me grab 5 or less shares, I may make it happen. It’s also likely to be a longer term profitable trade if the stock tanks (as I am sure others already expect) and then reddit gets bought out by musk or even openai.

    One last edit and then I’m done here. I bet every one of you here is a broke mofo crying about your utilities, groceries, etc going up while you’re income stays stagnant. You have fun with that.

  • What you mean to say is that people have been using AI wrong for decades. Artificial Intelligence is by definition the same as AGI. Intelligence is not the ability to follow directions and do exactly what is asked. There is a lot more to it than that. Just like IQ is intelligence Quotient. IQ is not a measure of what someone knows, it’s about how they take in new information and process and use it. You can’t really say that a computer generated art is AI because it simply did what was asked and usually with random choices as to what to add based on what was or wasn’t in the prompt. Same goes for llms, to call llms AI would mean that Google, duck duck go, etc are AI as well.

    And go ahead and downvote me for this. I’m a techy and geek and I know what I am talking about and I’ve watched and been irritated as people use terms like AI for things that aren’t really AI and aren’t even close. And I’m a huge trekkie so you don’t have to explain what they call anything.

  • My issue with the downvotes is that it is regularly brigaded even if it’s not an organized effort. Legit contributions get shouted down to being hidden while other non helpful or downright dangerous info is kept above it. On reddit with the smaller subs it doesn’t matter especially when it’s a post because it’s still going to show in the sub. And while lemmy/fediverse is still small and growing, this will most definitely push plenty of people (likely me included) to not be as active because the majority of people don’t seem to be capable of having a real conversation and instead just downvote and move on.

    The one thing lemmy and the fediverse has going for it is not having karma attached to your account so you don’t have people looking for upvotes for legitimacy and you don’t have downvote troll farmers who see how far negative they can get.

    I could also see keeping the up/down and total so long as it’s hidden (but accessible to those that want to see it). I’d also be okay if downvoting enough of a specific accounts comments or posts automatically hid it from you (without blocking them completely).

    And to make my point even clearer. Multiple someones have been going through my comment history and downvoting everything they can. The only ones they haven’t are probably the ones that the post was deleted so while I can see my comment, I can’t see any responses or the ones I responded to. And lemmy doesn’t do that random bullshit that reddit does so I know they are real.

    And even more on the nose here. I’m sure this addendum will sound like I am crying to a few or more of the drive by downvoters here and will bring in an onslaught of downvotes because as you already brought up, way too many people don’t take the time to think about what they are reading and just react silently or by responding as if they are a 3rd grader bullying a toddler on the playground, likely because no one loves them enough (because they are hell to be around).

    I’ll get ahead of it. Bring on the downvotes mfers.