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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • I’ve had some really bad brain fog for most of the year, so while I’m generally not able to recall them on the spot, I certainly do see quite a few that makes me go “Oh hey I remember that one!”.

    I like that the Threadiverse is still kinda at the size that this still happens quite a bit.

    I’d be very surprised if I were recognized since I’ve been quite bad about contributing to the conversation, but I still enjoy things around here nonetheless!

  • This isn’t a problem of Lemmy itself in terms of the software, so I’m not sure it qualifies… But, I find that Lemmy still has the same problem of Reddit where if you say something that the majority of users disagree with, prepare to be torn apart in the comments. And I do not just mean by getting corrected on something you said being factually incorrect, I mean more of a “your opinion is wrong because…”

    For example, any discussion revolving around Linux (and let me just prepend this by saying I am a Linux user), if you happen to prefer using Windows be prepared to be told all of the reasons why you have to use Linux instead. And that’s usually tame compared to what I’ve seen on other subjects.

    Obviously there are cases where yeah, you absolutely deserve to be torn a new one in the extreme cases when someone is actually being truly vile, such as trying to advocate for the harm of someone/a group of people - but the “extremes” are not what I’m really referring to here.

    I’ve blocked a lot of users that while I’ve had no interaction with them, I see how they are clearly engaging in, let’s just say, bad faith with others.

    In terms of software-specific issues, I can’t say that I really have had a lot of problems with Lemmy itself as of recently. As an instance owner, I used to have a lot of weird (what seemingly appeared to be, at least) random federation issues, but I haven’t seen any federation problems in a while now. Though just today I swear I submitted a comment somewhere, and its just poof not there - not even locally, but I’m chalking that one up to something I’ve done (whether a misclick, or I’m just hallucinating as badly as an LLM) rather than an actual issue.

  • As someone else who works in customer service, thank you! I take pride in trying to make sure the customer is always properly helped, and done so in a kind and just manner.

    I get that some people are jaded because of past experiences (and I really am not trying to understate that here), but treating the customer like shit because of it only perpetuates the cycle. The customer treats the support person badly, which causes said rep to treat more customers badly, etc. If no one takes charge to stop it, then the customer service industry will always be doomed to suffer - on both sides.

    I’m just glad that my current job does let me actually help our customers workout having to worry about KPIs and other metrics (we have one metric, which is to reach 0.5% of something on all of our tickets - it’s pretty forgiving). I left my last place because it was always about the numbers, and had no human element accounted for your performance.