Super Mario Odyssey and Twin Peaks. It can actually work.
Super Mario Odyssey and Twin Peaks. It can actually work.
Croatian “Ovce i novce” - literally sheep and the money. Same meaning as have your cake and eat it. “Kašika mu u med pala” - spoon fell into honey, meaning he got lucky “Tako ti je grah pao” - this is the way beans fell, meaning it is what it is “Izvukao si deblji kraj” - you got the fatter end, opposite meaning from you got the shorter end. It’s kind of a weird one, as it is also sometimes used to mean the same as the shorter end. “Da ti dupe puta vidi” - so your behind can see the trip. Meaning to travel for no special reason, usually used when a reason is given, but is probably just an excuse to travel
I bought it last month on sale. It was on sale, but kind of weird, the game itself wasn’t on sale, nor were the dlcs, but the game with dlcs was on sale (and was cheaper than just the game).
I like the game. Reminds me of ufo-enemy unknown from way back.
One of the commandments (second, i think) says not to create idols of anything in the heavens or on earth. Walk into any catholic church, and you’ll quickly see this is completely ignored.
So much so in fact that this commandment has been removed and the last commandment (not desiring other people’s stuff) has been split to two: don’t desire stuff, don’t desire other people’s women (later hanged to spouse).