• 16 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • From what I understand and not trying to read any of the answers to this.

    For the large part of the picture, it’s about marketing. To market specifically to you that is based on where you’ve been, what you’ve bought before and what your interests are. So they know that you don’t want to buy or subscribe into things you’ve no interest in at any capacity. So why not try to goad you into it by using things you’re into because of the data collected that’s filtered from your interests?

    That’s probably the only not-so worrisome thing I can think of. It’s just a giant distraction and tool to get you to spend and subscribe.

    A lot of people don’t like to be tracked and having data collected because, we feel it isn’t anyone’s business in what we do. So, why should it be the business of Google, Apple, Microsoft, Discord, Reddit, Facebook, Firefox .etc to be concerned in what we do?

    Aside from marketing, it’d be a lot easier for all of them to pinpoint exactly what we do to feed data to authorities for easier prosecution. Which depends on how you look at it, I just think that if you don’t want to attract the attention of authorities who’ve been given a tip on you without you knowing, don’t be a criminal.

    All in all really and I’m starting to derail my own explanation, it’s a big wiry issue with privacy.

    To put it plainly, it’s largely for marketing and we really feel it isn’t the business of corporations to know what we’re doing, if we’re knowingly not breaking any laws. Also now that I’ve thought of it, harvesting so much data increases risk of security breaches that hackers can take. Which means it’s going from bad hands to worse off hands because now hackers can just sell our data around in the black market and we wouldn’t even know it.

  • Point still stands though.

    If nobody finds your shit funny, they don’t find it funny. It isn’t because they’re a “snowflake” or that they “don’t get it”. Not everywhere and everyone needs to hear your shitty jokes because you feel you need to “lighten up” the world.

    People just want to amuse themselves and blanket it as if it’s supposed to be some positive contribution. Who’re you trying to fool?

  • I don’t really know where you’re getting the idea that nobody can joke anymore on serious matters. I see it all of the time, go look at Reddit for example and browse r/news. There’s always at least 50 people making punchline jokes on otherwise serious matters.

    The problem is when people expect their jokes to fly in the faces of communities that explicitly state that they don’t want that crap around. Then when the people who joke around are offended, in come cries about freedom of this and freedom of that. Dude, it’s one community, cut it out and go elsewhere. Not everyone should have to tolerate your low-hanging fruit kind of humor.

    And a lot of the time too, is that people absolutely DO NOT know when something is stepping over the line. It’s the fault of the individual for not making the line apparent, but when they do, there’s a point where joking is not warranted.

  • One would love renting because they’ve managed to find the sweet spot that is an area where things are relatively quiet and peaceful. Management actually cares. Tenants keep to themselves. Things are relatively retained in condition.

    But if you’re living in a complex opposite of that, yeah you’ll hate everything about renting. Tenants who make you wonder how they scrounge enough money to pay monthly rents with how they behave. Management who you wonder how they keep their jobs with how they handle things and allow said problematic tenants to come rent from them. You’ll be getting e-mails of management telling you “oh, package room has to be monitored now because package theft is now a problem” or “we’ll be closing the pool down for the rest of the season because children and tenants can’t behave”

    And just a bunch of other issues.