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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2024


  • Easiest glue: Collect chunks of conifer resin. heat over fire in a small pan. Once its liquified mix 1 part crushed common charcoal to 3 parts wet resin. You’ve got a stickey glue. You can let it harden in the pan. When you need to use it, heat the pan and it becomes wet glue again. This is how native Americans made their canoes waterproof. It does have a charming odor.

    Second easiest: Collect peices of animal hide. Dried tails,ears, and tag ends are great. Legs are good. Sinew and tendon are best. You are rendering collagen so you need very low fat and no meat attached. Dont use pig, bear, racoon, squirrel or rat-- too oily. Dont use anything decayed or that has been frozen. Soak them in quicklime (kiln fire limestone peices gives you quicklime) and water for 2 weeks, skimming the top, to remove the hair and sanitize. wash with water, then lime wash again. Dry thoroughly. Cut the material into strips. Boil peices in a double boiler until they are rendered to mush. Let them dry. Control the temperature and dont let it get too hot or cold. Add water. Well prepared glue peices will absorb the water and you have a liquid glue. Failed glue wont absorb the water.

    Apply the glue to the underside of the toilet.

  • Not yet, but soon, they’d say.

    I’ll throw in a few random thoughts there:

    “The war will give us the land. The concepts of “ours” and “not ours” are peace concepts, only, and in war they lose their whole meaning” (Ben-Gurion, War Diary, Vol. 1, entry dated 6 February 1948. p.211)

    So lets look at what will unfold in the next few months concerning Gazan land in the Israeli legal system, and in the future, Lebanese land. Once a peice of land is considered Israel, Non jews are forbidden by the torah from owning it, and jews arent allowed to sell or transfer it to non jews. They are permitted to lease it to nonjews for up to 50 years until a “jubilee” year, at which point all leases automatically terminate and the land is returned to its rightful owners regardless of other considerations. https://torah.org/torah-portion/weekly-halacha-5773-noach/ Thats for land not in a “town”. If its in a town those rules do not apply. If the land has no buildings or inhabitants (which is Gaza, now) its not a town anymore and is just “land”.

    To add to this underdstanding of who owns ‘just land’, If you “find” land and improve it, with a single stepping stone even, if no one contests you after a period of 1 year, the land can be registered as yours thereafter. That is, barring any local laws which forbid such things (if say, you live in another country). But in war those laws are suspended as it is contested land. Land owners can also contest it by building an even better improvement than the interloper.

    This derives from the idea that all land is actually owned by god, and Israelis are the people of god, amongst other concepts. Leviticus is chock full of land ownership rules, most of which never realy were implemented, although they are cited in disputes.

    So, as we cross a year of north gaza being destroyed, religious israelis will now legally refer to all of it as unimproved land where no town sits.

    As an ancillary consideration-- there are now few functioning religious sites present. This pertains to an exception about land reserved for religious purposes, and is why Palestinian graveyards were exhumed and erased, and mosques attacked. A mosque isnt a mosque if no one goes to it, and a graveyard isnt a graveyard if the bodies and markers are removed.

    On the day the consideration is made the Israelis can clear out any inhabitants on it. If no one shows to the trial to contest, gaza will henceforth and forever be owned by israelis who register the land, and thus “gaza” will cease to legally exist as militarily occupied land, and will legally be considered Israel, by Israelis at least, and by people who consider these land rules to be a legitimate practice-- which surprisingly a lot of countries will do, because its customary to honor the laws of foriegn lands.

    So look for that in the actions of their military in the week after the US election in November. They’ll probably eventually do it in souhtern Lebanon as well, if they can make enough excuses to bomb city blocks and hold them vacant for a year. The US will back the ownership transfer and say they customarily dont get involved in internal government issues, and have no room to comment, if local laws were followed. They will tell people to take it up with the Israeli courts.

  • The israelis trigger finger will keep pulling whether its UN or NATO or “Hamas” in their crosshairs. Its whoever stands on land they want who will be killed. Zionists consider all “goy” to be closer to amalekites than to peers or allies. All nonbeleivers are a short step up from cattle. Innocence doesnt matter. Raping innocents doesnt matter, and the israeli people themselves argue should be allowed.


    Also, one of their time honored "customs"has always been to spit on christians in Jerusalem. These are our great “allies” in the middle east that we are supporting a genocide in favor of at great monetary cost to ourselves, not to mention the total decimation of the US and the western alliance’s image globally.


    All the propoganda tropes Hollywood has created about swarthy arabs angry at the west are more true about zionists than they actually are about arabs. The arabs are mad at the west because of the nakba, Israels formation which murdered or kicked aout a million people from their homes. Its always been about that. We pretend its that “they hate us for our freedoms” or some other such BS.

  • There are intelligence briefs

    Those arent worth the cost of complicity in israeli crimes and 80 years of making literally billions of muslim people angry at us. We are destroying the entire western alliance with this and it will lead to the fall of the UN, wars, Global loss of soft power for the US, and probably the state of Israel nuked. I’d guess the middle eastern people would prefer to live next to a smoking radioactive crater rather than a group of violent criminal psycopaths. Its aimple human nature to eliminate such threats.

    This “intelligence” is not worth even a small portion of that cost. And are you suggesting that feeding the endless military industrail complex is in US interests? it isnt. It only benefits the rich. The rest of the world finds other things to do with their industrail output besides creating bombs that kill and massively pollute.