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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I don’t think life is rare, nor photosynthesis, but complex life might be. A planet needs to be really thriving with life for it to be worth it to go down the path to something like animals

    But I think the bigger filter is much stranger.

    Humans are a hive-like species. We’re not just social - we’re insanely interdependent, we don’t function on our own and yet we’ve ended up in this place where we (often) try to individually succeed, even at the cost to our community

    We’re greedy enough to want the stars, yet interdependent enough we could only swarm over them in endless numbers

    There’s many problems with the fermi “paradox”, but personally I think one of the largest is assuming all species would spread like a cancer blotting out the stars

    A more individualistic and long lived species might instead be careful explorers, taking what they need and leaving little sign of their passage. A more communal species might be careful and control themselves to not destroy pointlessly. They might also feel no desire to contact other species

    We’re just the right mix to want everything a star could give, and to want to find others at great energy cost

  • I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but I do sometimes get woken up by the garbage truck. Not often, but it’s loud as shit and comes just before 5am… IDK if it’s bad luck, but everywhere I’ve ever lived seems to have garbage trucks that came well before sunrise, and they’re about the loudest trucks before you get up to construction vehicles

    Unloading a truck isn’t even on the same volume scale. Especially if we used small trucks from a distribution center outside the city. Other countries do it, and we do it already, just not in the same numbers I’m proposing

    This doesn’t sound like an actual issue to me

  • It’s not exactly some unsolvable logic puzzle. This is a problem not everywhere has, it’s pretty simple.

    Two solutions.

    First, you create a second way in. It can be anything from dedicated streets for cargo with all the loading docks to shared warehouses at the edge of the city and underground tunnels like Disney. The main idea is to dedicate most streets to people and bikes, which can have all the storefronts

    Or the easy way we could do far more quickly… Instead of slicing space you slice time. Limit deliveries from 4am to 7am, maybe an afternoon slot if necessary. The idea being people get the prime time, and you work out the logistics with that constraint

    For better logistics, limit the size of the trucks and do shared distribution centers as a buffer for normal shipping times.

    Ideally, you do #2 while transitioning to #1. Put a slowly increasing off hour delivery tax and create an incentive. The logistics will magically come together as the tax grows

  • I think long messages are a good habit. Start with something readable in the history, past that who cares? Most people rarely read past the preview, and if they do they want details

    I think it’s great because it makes you reflect on what the goal was and what you did. I sometimes stop to make a quick change as I’m writing, or just collect my thoughts before mentally dismissing the task

  • I feel like it’s gotten significantly worse (on Android at least). I remember when I taught it a word or corrected often enough, it would learn I use that word frequently

    Now, it keeps trying to capitalize random words and turn them into acronyms out of nowhere

    It’s cool that it has rudimentary grammar checking now - it’s very hit or miss but still useful. Not worth the trade off though

  • Ah, but you’re one layer off. Projected/potential money/s (in the next 1-2 quarters mainly) is what is truly king.

    It doesn’t have to be a good idea, it can be a terrible one - but good sounding words in the board room are what matter

    “Hey, so we’ve decided to see if we can run 10 unskippable ads back to back. Simultaneously, we’ve launched a war on ad blockers. This time it will surely work because we found out you can ignore your customers - Elon Musk has shown us the way, he only lost bots with all his innovation. We expect people to get over it in 3 months and estimate we’ll lose 4 users. Between 10x more ads and half our users off ad blockers, we project 20x ad revenue next quarter!”

    -Words of a future CEO, probably