Reddit -> Beehaw until I decided I didn’t like older versions of Lemmy (though it seems most things I didn’t like are better now) -> (died) -> (died) -> fedia.

Japan-based backend software dev.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Work has me using my current phone for alerts on my on-call rotation. I asked them to send me a pager instead if I can’t properly filter the alerts (Jira on Android has at least 2 sets of notification settings and then there are settings apparently within Jira. I was getting basically every Jira, Confluence, etc. message).

  • I specifically used the phrase “Please generate an image of a room with zero elephants”. It created two images that were almost identical and both contained pictures/paintings of elephants in frames. Cheeky.

    I responded with “Each image contains an elephant.”

    It generated two more, one of which still had a painting of an elephant.

    Now I’m out of generation until tomorrow. Overall a fairly shit first experience with Dall-e

  • While Japan’s suicide rate isn’t the lowest, the rate in the US (where you live per your comment response) is HIGHER than here.

    I also don’t understand how you get Nazi from Japan. Japan is both left and right of the US on a number of issues (though being left of the US position in some things isn’t a high bar). Do I like the government here? Not particularly (and neither that of the US as both make some pretty bone-headed decisions in my opinion). Is it a Nazi hellscape? Absolutely not.

    I’m originally from the US and have been living in Japan for just under a decade. I have universal healthcare (including dentistry and vision), own a home, run a small farm, and have amazing neighbors who largely treat me like anyone else (wherever you are in the world, there’s always that one person). I have good worker’s rights as a full company employee and more legally guaranteed leave than the US (and yes we’re allowed to use it).

  • Volunteer at a place if you can. Spend time in a community completely different to your own. If you have the means, live as a normal person in a country (i.e. not tourist insulated in a community of speakers of your own language) for 3 months (common tourist visa/waiver length), best if done in a country culturally different to your own. If you can’t do that, at least learn a new language and consume media and interact with people (generally free these days).