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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • No. I didn’t much like Reddit but I have never had so many problems with a social media site as I have with Lemmy. Right now there’s 17 comments in my notifications page, but no way to access them because it just says “404 - page not found.” And there’s no way to view or erase them.

    Lemmy has tons of connectivity problems also. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d have to rate it minus 100. I’ve left Kbin and actually am no longer even using Lemmy but once in a grand while. I’m looking for other sites that will work better.

  • Hmm. Not sure how to feel because honestly, I feel this way also. I do love animals (ummm not in the physical way) and I believe all life is sacred. After all humans are animals also. But at the same time, I love the carnivorous side of being an omnivore - I couldn’t imagine not being able to eat steaks, ribs, chicken wings and other meat with bones and veins in it.

    But that doesn’t mean I think animals deserve to die - just that I have to live with the un-resovable contradiction of being both an animal lover and a meat lover. It is yummy and there’s nothing the first bite of a juicy steak or crispy chicken wing. Thank you for your sacrifice, clucky, bessie, and porky.

  • Just because no one holds you accountable for doing it, how can you justify being sick and evil enough to want to flog or stone somebody. What is going on with these middle eastern assholes?? Is it something in the water they drink or the food they eat that turns these bigoted males into such flagrantly mentally abberant pieces of utter walking dog shit??

    Well, my advice is, if you’re a middle-eastern woman, arm yourself any way you can and strike first. Throw the first stone, you might just crush the worthless skull of one of these misogynistic women-hating anti-human pieces of maggot infested filth, and do the world an immense favor.

  • I’m sorry for her and for you and your ignorance in believing that humans need to go around proselyting to each other about a fictional horrid deity who cares less about human life than causing men to murder each other in the name of religious nut-jobbery.

    I hope your family member never succeeds in this horrible exercise of human vanity and terror. Missionaries are equivalent to walking dog excrement and that’s exactly how I perceive them. I hope this person gets very ill and never gets to complete their so-called mission - a mission of perversion if ever there was one.

  • That’s extremely sad and worse than almost any form of child abuse I’ve ever read about. Forcing these dumb gullible kids to believe in christ-y nonsense which not only will never help them deal with real life, but will poison their minds against other people and polarize their viewpoints into arthritic rigidity and disgusting bigotry. It’s sick.

    I’ve always considered Ohio a worthless bastion of assholery but I never thought they would stoop to such horrible brainwashing of youngsters. Any parent worth being called a parent would and should pull their kids out of that school and that horrible abusive situation as fast as humanly possible.

  • It MIGHT be rigged and certainly is a rampant capitalist economy, but having been to places in Mexico where people literally live under cardboard boxes and use open trenches for sewers, I can honestly say it isn’t entirely rigged in a bad way for most us here. I mean, we do see SOME trickle down benefits of being a capitalist country.

    My older brother and his wife, on paper, have about $21 million in the bank. And they didn’t themselves exploit anyone but themselves to get there - my older brother got his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and went to work for a major U.S. firm, and so did his wife, and they earned well over six figures for several decades. But they also invested well along the way.

    My cousin is very rich because he sort of accidentally invented a way to track packages and Fed Ex bought out his ideas. My other cousin owns the most productive cement plant in Colorado, so he has money up the wazoo also.

    I’m only using those as examples because it shows that you CAN get ahead in a capitalist economy, even if it is often rigged in favor of those who already have money.