• 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • It’s missing a few features from RES, i opened issues about them , that should make using the platform a better experience. for example i would like to tag open source maintainers so i could prioritize helping them, or just people who contribute more to the community (that i can see i have given several upvotes to).

    Also tbh some people here sound like russian or iranians propagandists or bots , if somebody writes something completely unreasonable (like making a terror group sound like the “good guys”) I would like to tag him so i could know which submissions to examine more carefully.

    Also having something like a “superupvote” like in tildes.net where you can only give it once in a while (e.g. top post this hour/day/week/month/year/decade). Our information diet is very important, consuming content with great “mental nutrients” is a worthwhile goal.

  • Honestly i don’t think these are good enough reasons to create a new project, there are other open source reddit alternatives and non of them toke off, it’s hard to build a project like that and having NLNET funding might have made it seem easier then it is.

    Forking might have been a better options, or just developing a sever addon API so you could create plugins like on wordpress or discourse.

    I tend to believe competition is good but in this case it seems like it will just fragment the already limited resources of the fediverse.

    I warned someone that the project he started probably won’t replace an existing popular project and eventually he seems to have abandon it, he could have spend that time improving the existing project.

    I realize this is not feel good advice and i could be wrong, but i felt like i should say it.

  • I’ve noticed this quite a bit among people I talk to and honestly just doesn’t help move the conversation anywhere meaningful.

    What do you expect? If you have a way to improve the fediverse then just start a project or at least make a suggestion (although i doubt that’s helpful).

    Having something like an open source version of good judgement open might make things more interesting, at least it will be possible to detect “superforcaster” and direct people attention to them.

  • There is a fair bit of research on what makes people good at predicting, see the good judgement project, in particular there is this article:

    Participants were above average in intelligence and political knowledge relative to the general population. Individual differences in performance emerged, and forecasting skills were surprisingly consistent over time. Key predictors were (a) dispositional variables of cognitive ability, political knowledge, and open-mindedness; (b) situational variables of training in probabilistic reasoning and participation in collaborative teams that shared information and discussed rationales (Mellers, Ungar, et al., 2014); and © behavioral variables of deliberation time and frequency of belief updating. We developed a profile of the best forecasters; they were better at inductive reasoning, pattern detection, cognitive flexibility, and open-mindedness. They had greater understanding of geopolitics, training in probabilistic reasoning, and opportunities to succeed in cognitively enriched team environments. Last but not least, they viewed forecasting as a skill that required deliberate practice, sustained effort, and constant monitoring of current affairs.

    TL;DR: speculating is fun but you should also look at the facts

    I don’t think proprietary social media is going to collapse , mark zuckerberg got a perfact SAT score, Thinking he won’t notice his platform will degrade in quality is IMO wishful thinking.

  • Repeatedly getting tagged by this bot sounds like it is a PITA.

    Having a command you can send with a private message so it won’t tag you could be useful , something like :

    dontTagMe: @wiki_me@lemmy.ml .

    It’s also pretty confusing if you encounter a post the first time, having it write something like :

    new lemmy post: ‘Moving media library to bigger HDD’ on community #Selfhosted by @rambos

    (Replying in this thread will appear as a comment in the lemmy discussion.)

    about this bot (link to a explanation)

    Could be more understandable.

    Regarding you saying on the read me you are not a rust developer A tutorial on youtube implies you can learn the basics in aboutt 3h, since your contribution gets reviewed by experienced developer that should be enough and you can learn more things on the fly (Assuming there are more things you want to contribute to on lemmy).

    having a command where the moderators of a community can tweak the frequency of posting (or maybe even posting just the top post for day/week/month etc) could also be helpful

  • wiki_me@lemmy.mltoFediverse@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    You can do a “thumbs up” on github, iirc the developer said last time i talked to him is that this is what they use for prioratization.

    Here is the list of the most “thumbs up” issues on github for the “lemmy” repo.

    We could always use rysolv (a bounty platform), that can different from “I want this” and “i think it is important enought to risk some of my money for it”.