Sometimes I really consider doing something drastic due to how things are, and these thoughts scare me
Sometimes I really consider doing something drastic due to how things are, and these thoughts scare me
Or some unbelievable shit happens and you just don’t believe Anything, not saying it’s likely but you’re coming in with the idea of yes I am absolutely right on this and nobody can tell me otherwise
Go to a doctor
qu’en est-il des catacombes
1.9gb is a high amount of storage?
I work for a lighting and staging company and it’s different with each artist, some we hold on to for the artists, some are donated to us, most are kept on the tour trucks with the crew chiefs keeping eyes on them all the time
Speak for yourself, even when on mushrooms I know that puking just makes me feel immediately better, it’s like a system reset, but I understand it doesn’t work that way for everyone
Well now I wanna hear more about the history of this mystical shit button
Sounds like a good time to promote a movie
Tchau, Elon
IDK I would say 3d monitors are a trend that died pretty hard
What does that do?
That’s some STD right?
How many times does the public have to learn if the CEO says it, he probably doesn’t know what he’s talking about. If the devs say it, listen
Fucking love the volgun, I have every episode downloaded to fall asleep to
Wonder how good it is
Daily reminder that not every state has the same work/renters protections
I mean my girlfriends super into that stuff, so I wouldn’t be too surprised
Oh God, you thought the micro transactions in Pokemon go were bad? Just wait
What’s the issue? If I move I have to move like 4 things