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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • No? That’s literally how banks work. You store your money there, and they protect it, manage it, etc. But this isn’t harry potter, there isn’t some underground vault with your name on it, they just take all your money and stick it in a giant pool they use to invest and make themselves money.

    ‘Your’ money is actually just them tracking what you actually have, and if you ask for some of it, they have the equivalent of petty cash they pay it out with. You cannot pull out massive amounts of your own money all at once without warning on the spot, because they simply will not have it available.

    It’s why depressions and ‘bank runs’ are a thing- the actual amount of cash a bank has on available is ALWAYS lower than the total number of assets they have earmarked from people, because it’s all tied up in investments. If those investments go belly up, or everyone all tries to pull money out at the same, the bank has a major problem.

    “Freezing” someone’s assets just means that the bank isn’t allowed to let someone pull money out, or transfer that money, not that the cash/investments/etc are pulled back and stuck in a vault somewhere- the BANK still has that money it’s larger money pool, because it was always there from the first moment they got it.

  • Yeah, I’m glad for redprog that they haven’t ran into this sort of thing, but sometimes you end up with people where you sort of have to sit on them a bit to get usable code that you even CAN code review out of them.

    I even had one contractor who would, from the very start, refuse to do any work without a step-by-step list of implementation details as his ‘project requirements.’ First time I’ve ever had someone DEMAND me to micromanage them. I fucking hated it, I was spending nearly an hour and a half for each hour of billable work I was getting out of the guy. I can only assume some client in the past was wishy-washy about requirements with him, and I totally feel for him on that, but I personally feel he was taking it a bit far lol.

    Only upside of that clusterfuck is that it gave me the political position to ensure that no more contractors were hired to work with my team without someone on my team being involved. The quality of our contractors went up rather significantly at that point.

  • ysjet@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldGo for it ben
    6 months ago

    You hold the match with your index and middle finger, pinch the matchhead between your thumb and the striker, pull, and then just pull your thumb back before it actually gets hot.

    Leaves you in a perfect position to block and wind with your palm/thumb. Just gotta be quick or you get burnt- or just have tough hands.

    Then you just pinch the matchhead with your thumb/ring finger to put it out.

  • ysjet@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIronic
    6 months ago

    Architecture deans love this kind of shit. My old alma mater had the college of architecture building intentionally half finished, and then sealed with glass where appropriate. As a result, you can see into the wall, the floors, the ceilings, even the exterior walls in places to constructively illustrate the principles being taught.

    My understanding is that the professors like to joke that exams are “open book, open note, and open building”

  • So, as a manager (by technicality, I’m more of an engineering lead in truth) I see both sides of this. It IS better when everyone can just… Go constructively contribute. I love it. I get to focus on my own work. It is absolutely the way to go. Unfortunately sometimes hiring doesn’t go perfectly. And there are certain people where you have to micromanage them, because otherwise they’re just go to git commit absolute fucking shit, and it’s better to cut that off earlier via micromanagement, then allow it to pollute the repo.

    So if your boss is pulling this, I see three options:

    1. They’re just a micromanager, which sucks.
    2. They think you’re a fuckup, and they are actually the fuckup.
    3. They think you are the fuckup, and you are actually the fuckup.

    Easy way to tell- is literally everyone on the team getting treated like this? It’s #1.

    Are several people that you think are morons treated like this? Are there several people who don’t get treated like this, even the people who don’t stand out as ‘rockstar coders’? You’re the fuckup.

    Is everyone except the manager’s special rockstar- even the highly qualified, solid workers- being treated like this? Then the manager is the fuckup.

  • I hate to break this to you, but there was in fact subreddits that publically stated that they required you to privately DM mods a full-body full-face nudes in poses of the mod’s choice for verification.

    That ain’t me being in bad taste, it’s just me doing basic observation. Some subreddits it was about verification, yes. Some it was about consent. Some of them it was about the mods being horny. And most of them, it was some combination of the three.

    To pretend that it didn’t happen is… well, casual erasure of sexual misconduct of the mods, frankly.

  • I keep seeing this sentiment on these posts, often with a suspicious number of up votes that don’t seem to correlate how many up votes everything else in the topic get.

    Literally the only place I have EVER seen this issue was a state toll road website, which was using a timezones that didn’t actually exist but chrome added (and documented on the Internet to trick people into using it). A simple email to the website with an explanation and the correct timezones name and the problem was fixed.

    Pretty sure a lot of this sentiment is either astroturfing, or people passing on astroturfing trying to be helpful.

  • I think you may also want to consider a breather. I’m not attacking you, I’m not accusing you of nefarious intentions, and I’m not casting judgements.

    I’m pointing out that, regardless of if you’re advocating it or not, you are inadvertently supporting the idea that voter apathy is acceptable. You’re not doing it outright, and that’s not what you’re trying to do, I get that. You’re trying to neutrally state that regardless of what happens, it takes more than one presidential change to cause geopolitical changes on the scale Australia is threatening.

    Now, I actually disagree with that point that in general, I feel we’ve seen our allies distance themselves or even break off with us in Trump’s first (and hopefully only) presidency, but that’s not actually what we’re discussing here anyway and I don’t think either of us really care to dig into the weeds there, because it involves a scenario I think both of us hope won’t happen.

    My point is more that, as someone who cannot read minds, I can’t tell if that language is coming in as a complete coincidental accident, it’s something you accidentally picked up from GOP propaganda pointed directly at your demographic (which is most likely imo), or you’re intentionally spreading it (highly unlikely, given your post history). But regardless of what you’re intending to say, what you’re actually saying gives a feeling of ‘calm down, it’s not a big deal, trump winning isn’t a huge catastrophe to democracy, it’ll be fine, any damage he can cause will be limited.’

    And that happens to directly be a piece of GOP propaganda to encourage non-GOP voters not to vote, because voter suppression and low voter turnout helps the GOP.

    Again, I’m not saying you’re doing it intentionally, or even registering it. I’m not saying it’s some nefarious plan, and I’m not blaming you. I’m pointing out that there is unconscious bias in what you’re saying. Admittedly I was first trying to point out that bias to anyone reading, which probably looked combative to you, so my bad for that.