In a surprising twist to the long-debated topic of video game violence, a recent study suggests that playing violent video games might actually decrease stress hormones in some players. Contrary to popular belief, the study found no increase in aggressive tendencies, indicating a more complex relationship between video game content and player responses than previously thought. The findings have been published in the scientific journal Physiology & Behavior.

For years, the impact of violent video games on behavior has been a contentious subject. Past research has often pointed towards a potential increase in aggression and stress among players of these games. This belief has fueled ongoing debates among parents, educators, and policymakers regarding the suitability of such games for young audiences. Motivated by these discussions and inconsistencies in previous findings, researchers embarked on a new study to explore the physiological and psychological effects of violent video games more comprehensively.

    9 months ago

    I don’t doubt that it does that, for some.

    Boxing does it for some, whereas for most, it’d destroy our equilibrium.

    Why would it be different for that particular kind of immersion?

    and then

    ( notice that some people want lots of social-process, but not to help, rather to butcher other’s stuff, or process: social-addiciton combined with destructiveness, not helpfulness.

    When one sees the dimensions of psychology themselves … one sees without rose-glasses )

    is for those who perhaps want to understand game-induced desensitization, and its place in our world.

    You will notice that mass-shootings topped 600 in the US, in 2023, and … during WW1, it was damn-near-impossible to get normal troops to shoot the enemy.

    The change produced in us was produced by a cause.

    Desensitization is much of that cause.

    Sociopathy ( psychologically-induced-psychopathy ) is a result … and it is a result we’re demonstrably embodying, planetwide.

    ( the sociopathy of the Victorian Empire’s people, against non-“whites” was absolutely real, and socially-produced, too.

    We just keep changing the details/appearances of it, while keeping the ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction undercurrent the same:

    ideoogical or cultural narcissism.

    Notice that sociopathy is “alpha” so the male-culture addiction to “alpha” also, again & again & again, chooses sociopathy as its “validity”.

    The hazing-producing-suicides in concentrated male-culture is one such crystalization of it.

    Now ask yourself: is butchering other’s worth & lives calming, to people whose identity is based on their sociopathy??

    I bet EEG & psychological-testing would show it is… )

    _ /\ _