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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • It isn’t Christ-ianity, as benJoseph, himself, was the wokest guy in all the new testament.

    It is wearing the appearances of “their” religion while pushing animal-reaction-with-no-moral-responsibility that is going-on.

    The genociders of Russia & Israel are doing the same thing, just with different appearances.

    The Great Filter.

    Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, which is the most important psychology book on the planet, right now, & see how all these return to fundamentalism, where we are inherently valid, and genociding all “others” is our “GOD-given” Right rabids are…

    pushing Kahneman System-1 ( imprint->reaction, aka animal-reaction, the limbic “reasoning” of herdbeasts & pack-animals, and gangs, and ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction, which are 2-sides of the same “coin” ) to be displacing considered-reasoning, Kahneman System-2, from the world, is the consistent underlying-commitment in all of these fundamentalists.

    They may wear the appearances of “the communist party”, or whatever Putin’s party is, or the republican party, or zionism, or the Confucian Marxist Leninist Kapha-metabolism anti-spiritual ideology of the CCP, but the underlying motivation is murdering/obliterating alternative-to-their-ideology/prejudice from our world, for their herd/gang’s global totalitarian supremacy.

    This is natural, in The Great Filter, when humankind’s unconscious fights to beat/break/obliterate moral-anxiety from its domain, and animal-reaction can’t have moral-responsibility, so that is The Answer™, according to our unconscious-ignorance.

    Faction against faction, until the polycrisis/metacrisis has “justified” exterminating our world’s life, is how unconscious-ignorance wants to play it out, for the “mythic” “importance” or “significance” of being THE “important thing” that beat God, broke God’s plan, & made God obey ( toddler-tantrums are always aimed at making the parents OBEY: that is their point ).

    Universe, however, can’t care, and … no obeying/catering-to our unconscious-ignorance’s narcissism/entitlement is going to happen, so…

    WHEN you encounter an addict systematically denying facts, whether a smoker denying that their smoking has anything, whatsoever, to do with their endless coughing, or a crack-addict denying that their utterly-corroded-health has anything to do with the crack that’s using their life, or an ideology-addict/prejudice-addict denying that evidence shows ClimatePunctuation exists, let-alone is still-accelerating ( as it must, for decades-more ),

    THEN you are seeing Kahneman System-1’s fighting-off of objectivity/considered-reason, protecting animal-reaction, and the no-moral-responsibility condition that unconsciousness/ignorance wants to rule all, while narcissistically being catered-to by God.

    The most central piece of evidence in this mechanism is … actually so old that it probably is from about the time of the sudden-collapse of the last Ice Age, 11,750-ish years ago:

    In the Christian bible, the story in Genesis, of woman eating “the fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil” means woman ate Morality.


    ( altruism is generalized-mothering, as researchers from Exeter & Bristol universities found hard-evidence of, in studying wasps’ altruism, in Panama )

    Morality is what women ate, & then shared it with us guys.

    Moral-anxiety is the “downfall” the “loss of (animal-ignorance) grace”.

    Herdbeasts do not have our moral-anxiety, they live in the “grace” of mere-animal-ignorance.

    Notice, however, that for millenia, religion-men have distorted the story to convict women of “sin” that somehow downfell our entire species.

    Gaslighting on that scale may never have been equalled, for significance of evil.

    Think, though: *it’s the same thing as what the “Christians” are doing!

    Kahneman System-1 is fighting-off considered-reasoning, and all the “women, who (supposedly) caused humankind’s downfall, ought be uneducated, barefoot, & pregnant, at home, obeying their LORD, a man” scammery is just male-ego trying to occupy the earthly place of lord, or trying to be the proxy “god”.

    Israel’s claiming that Ezekiel 39 asserts that it is going to be successfully eradicating its neighbors, gaining supremacy…

    … while creating such absolute-hatred among all the region surrounding them, that their “deterrent” is being corroded-away …

    … so that in a few years the Muslim region won’t care how much damage Israel does to them, while they’re annihilating Israel …

    Ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction has strategic consequences.

    Israel’s going to be annihilated, exactly as benJoseph stated, 2 millenia ago.

    It’s the same, everywhere: animal-ignorance of ideology-addiction/prejudice-addiction is committed to genociding “others”, and arranges its own annihilation, whether through political reaction, or through assumption-river/religion reaction, or through impersonal forces like ClimatePunctuation, or food-chain-collapse, both terrestrial & marine ( late this century ), the same won’t think, because God obeys the local Ideology/Prejudice … the same mechanism.

    Imagine humankind turning into herdbeasts, & through the different factions vying for supremacism, the entirety of herdbeast-humankind stampeding off a giant cliff, becoming all dead, broken at the bottom.

    That is The Great Filter’s probable outcome, at the moment.

    the “politics” of Leninism, which uses brainwashing “education” to produce/enforce “proletariat dictatorship”,

    and the “politics” of Murdochism, which uses brainwashing TV to produce/enforce “populist dictatorship”,

    they’re really both fighting to obliterate considered-reasoning from all authority, for their exclusive dominion.

    They’re the same thing, under the appearances.

    Same with the assumption-river/religion of legalism, which benJoseph railed-against 2 millenia ago, notice that the “Christians” pushing christofascism are legalists, who play exactly the same games that the “Jews” of the Pharisees who convicted benJoseph played…

    No shame, no accountability, no responsibility, only machiavellian narcissism & sociopathy/psychopathy…

    Another assumption-river/religion underlying many “religious” gaslighters is the class-based-“validity” one, which both monarchy & oligarchy are examples of.

    Every time you see the narcissism-body-language of a doctor, condescending to their inferiors ( use video to capture it, watch it in slow-motion, as it becomes much more visible, then ), you’re seeing that religion.

    Dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I grew into presuming the same upper-middle-class “validity” that he presumed.

    7+ years of homelessness, total, throughout my life, finally broke that identity-underlying-ego, to some extent. Cracked it.

    Read the book by researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright, named “Tribal Leadership”, on the 5 levels ( not stages: they’re mistaken. Stages are irreversible & sequential, like caterpillar->moth. Cultural-process-levels are not irreversible-sequential. ).

    They use doctors as the exemplars of narcissism-culture, identifying a simple experiment we all can do:

    Wearing a suit, & belonging in it, walk into any hospital, & count the % of junior-staff who still have enough human-validity/human-dignity left in them, to meet your gaze.

    Only 1 hospital, that those researchers ever encountered, had junior-staff who still had equal-human-validity in them.

    Then consider narcissism-culture outside of medical-culture…

    the US had over 600 mass-shootings in 2023.

    Mass-shootings are narcissism, lashing-out against others’ lives, to “get even” with their wounded-narcissism.

    The 4 false-religions underlying much “politics” and much “religions” are:

    • psychopathic corporate-moneyarchy
    • class-status-based-“validity” ( monarchy is purely this, oligarchy is the intersection of moneyarchy & class-status-based-“validity”, in a Venn diagram )
    • legalism
    • authority-worship

    Notice how grabbed-authority-is-the-LORD is taking-over politics…

    Notice how legalism is wedging-out accountability, everywhere

    Notice how psychopathic corporate-moneyarchy is fighting to prevent living-wage from existing among more & more of the world’s population, joining sadism & nihilism to psychopathy…

    Notice how the narcissistic-birthright-entitlement of class-status-based-“validity” is more & more & more obviously becoming central to the fundamentalists who’re highjacking the whole world.

    The “politics” and the “religions” are just makeup.

    The real underlying drive, is breaking/obliterating considered-reasoning from having any authority, anywhere, so rampaging nonaccountability can be the alpha-bull, or “lord”.

    It’s our limbic-brain fighting-off the cortex, or human-brain, one final time.

    Never mistake the symptoms for the underlying-condition.

    see the fundamentalism underlying it all.

    It’s sooo simple, sooo clear, sooo … immense.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSelf hosted LLM
    7 months ago

    Thanks to this post, and the other comments in here, I’ve discovered that the ultimate ui for ai-models may well be


    and on HuggingFace ( that name is aweful: to me it is the creepy-horrible FaceHugger, from the movie Alien, that I saw so many decades ago ) TheBloke has some models which are smaller


    so you can choose a model that will actually-work on your hardware.

    I think Llama-2 for brainstorming & CodeLlama-instruct for learning programming examples seems to be the cleanest pair, from what I’ve read, and he’s got GGUF versions with different quantizations, so you can choose what will actually-fit on your hardware.

    There are other models on huggingface which seem very useful, like

    • whisper-large-v3 for speech-to-text,
    • whisperspeech for text-to-speech,
    • sdxl-turbo for image-making ( for some copyright-free subjects to practice drawing with ), and so-on…

    Some models require GPU, not all.

    Damn things moved fast!

  • There is a book “Putin Country” on how rural Russia is every bit as fundamentalist in wanting the murdering of considered-reason, diverse-thinking, objectivity, etc, as the republican rural US is: it’s the same pattern, or antipattern.

    Shit-education, combined with anti-intellect culture, combined with gang-style culture/values ( our gang wins, NEVER whistleblow, or we’ll ALL murder you for betraying the herd/gang!! ), and you produce such result.

    The Mongol Yoke seems to have entrenched corruption, sociopathy, nihilism, etc, into Russian culture.

    the Sovyet Soyuz ( union, I think ) Socialist … I don’t know what the P ( which is an R, in our alphabet ) stood-for, in CCCP … was continuing the abuse that had already been going on for ages

    and when you prevent uprightness from living, in a population, there are consequences, whether in the Eastern hemisphere or the Western, the Northern or the Soutern, it’s only appearances that differ, not the fundamental self/others/Nature/LivingSpirit set of relationships…

    Gangs work to murder-out all which would compete against them, whether US, Russian, Chinese, Arab, Israeli, it doesn’t matter.

    Abuse’s supremacy produces the perpetuation of abuse’s supremacy.

    This is why the only method that could have worked, in Palestine, was having an absolutely neutral government ( which Hamas would never have tolerated, nor would Israel ), and to force absolute neutrality & properness, for a hard minimum of 2+ generations, until the grudge-enforcing generations were all retired-out-from all leverage & authority.

    No other method could have worked.

    The idiocy of people pretending that “no bullets fly, therefore this is what Peace means!”, and indulging in incredulity when grudge-violence erupts…

    How can any self-respecting person stomach that dishonesty, I don’t know.

    Humankind doesn’t have the spine to earn real integrity, and real-integrity is what it’d take to clean-up our own countries, let-alone derelict-abandoned countries, ruled by organized-crime…

    Notice that the White-Blue-White Russians are city people, not rural: it’s cultural, same as in the US with democrats being city slickers.

    it takes multiple generations of concerted, strategically-coherent force, to break the ignorance/prejudice/ideology-additions that rule our world’s people, including us.

    IF any remnant of humankind survives this century, THEN maybe they’ll succeed in earning such integrity, & be able to continue living…

    that’s a big if, though, now, with the global TANTRUM/POGROM that humankind’s setting-up to “deal with” God not catering-to our toddler-unconscious…

    Sorry for the rambling, but it’s all inter-related, and you can’t fix anything in isolation, no matter which country it’s in…

    _ /\ _

  • I’ve read that corporations who have their HQ’s in The Netherlands … are forced to get someone from some other country/culture, when searching for C-level people:

    The Netherlands culture can’t and won’t be driven-enough to do the amount of work required: it isn’t sensical, in that culture, to be driven, so.

    Just as your body has different organs for different kinds of function, we need to have different cultures for different kinds of people.

    Without bones, how happy would you be using your liver, kidneys, brain, etc, for scaffolding while trying to stand-up??

    The same is true of drivenness.

    There is a season for each kind, in Nature, there is a place for each kind, in Nature, and we’d do much better, if we deliberately accepted/respected that, in our global urban-planning.

    ( this doesn’t say that gutting parenting, so as to have destitution-wages, to enforce attachment-disorder in the children, to produce in the next generation over 600 mass-shootings in the US in 2023, is somehow valid or proper or respectable, however.

    Drivenness doesn’t require sociopathy-psychopathy/narcissism’s rule/dominion. )

    _ /\ _

  • The actual choice, is

    • we either act proactively, or
    • our remnant ( if any ) regret, retroactively.

    This isn’t consensus for a simulation/model, this is actual historical fact:

    They’re ignoring methane, and they’re stating, explicitly, that at our current atmospheric CO2, the planet historically stabilized at between +5C & +6C.

    When one factors-in the added methane, 1.3ppm to 1.4ppm, at 82.5x factor, we’re actually between +8C & +9C planet-equilibrium-temperature for our current atmosphere.

    -4C put 2 miles thick of ice on North America: planet-degrees are BIG.

    Humankind simply is either too devoutly-ignorant or too stupid to live, from the looks of it.

    After it has happened, oh, then humanity’ll admit it ought do something…

    Utterly retarded, and the obliteration-of-billions-of-lives it is setting-up the enforcing of, is needless.

  • Consider a reversal:

    Imagine just how consistently-offended we guys’d be, if the term for an uncrewed vehicle was “unwomaned”.

    So, it was either “womaned” or “unwomaned”.

    Insulting-as-hell, right?

    It’s equally insulting, the other-way-'round, but we’re concertedly conditioned to feeling it to be “normal”.

    That’s the only difference: our imprinting.

    This is a decades-old demonstration of how prejudiced it is to use a single pronoun “Mr.” for guys, while using 2 different pronouns for women, depending-on marital-status.

    Hofstadter remapped it from married-status-of-women to employed-status-of-blacks, to show how prejudiced it is, in spite of our imprinting.


  • Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & understand that there are 2 different “thinking” systems, one limbic, the imprint->reaction system, Kahneman System-1, … and the other is the human considered-reason system.

    Ideology/prejudice ( they are 2 sides of the same “coin” ) is Kahneman System-1, not considered-reasoning: they are separate brain/mind systems.

    Leninism’s “‘educating’-the-masses into proletariat-dictatorship” and Murdoch’s “TV-ing-the-masses into populist-dictatorship” are 2 variants of the same thing, … and their identical goal is to render globally-irrelevant any considered-reasoning system of humankind.

    All the different political-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, all the different religious-factions that are pushing to displace considered-reasoning with automatic-ideology, its the same thing with different “makeup” on it.

    Humankind is, fundamentally, fighting to reject moral-anxiety, through rejecting considered-reasoning, and displacing it, globally, with imprinted-reaction of ideology/prejudice, whichever ideology/prejudice that particular faction is identifying-with.

    The eradication of quality education by communists & republicans, the systematic-sabotage of entire-population’s ability to parent their children properly by moneyarchy’s sadistic obstruction of living-wage law … the over-600 mass-shootings last-year in the US is a symptom of the shredding-of-the-world-for-ideology’s-mechanism, the cause of last-year’s effects … was attachment-disorder manufactured decades ago.

    Some still have potential considered-reasoning in them, but many no-longer do, due to having been brought-up in ideology/prejudice’s automatic-reaction, until considered-reasoning is only vestigal-potential, in their life.

    Ignoring/denying the actual-condition of humankind will only cost much more lives, for comforting-belief’s sake.

    I don’t expect more than 1.5% of humankind to survive this century ( from a peak of about 9B people, within 1 decade ), if any do.

    Appeasing rabies is a corpse’s game: rabies doesn’t appease: the appease-mechanism can’t work on it, as it is a social-manipulation-technique which presumes that the “other” is sufficiently-identical-to-one’s-own-mind, and that is baseless/false presumption ( can be baseless due to cultural-differences, can also be baseless due to System-1 vs System-2 balance difference being too huge, can also be baseless due to sociopathy or psychopathy or cPTSD or other fundamental mind-differences ).

    White-supremacism “christianity” is as committed to genociding as Russia & Israel are, and “reasoning” just accommodates more butchery-escalation.

    Either appease/accommodate & sacrifice population’s lives for it … or draw the line & back it up with absolute-force, but … within our country, that isn’t permitted, is it?

    Only appeasing/accommodating is permitted … so, therefore, the progression continues tilting until the totalitarian-butchery wins…

    Same as in Nazi Europe in WW2.

    No point in pretending otherwise.

    I expect at least 200,000,000 to die in North America in the next decade, due to US Civil War Part2, as it shreds everything, including proactively-managing-natural-disasters ( imagine hurricane Katrina if NO warning or help had happened, & multiply that by however-many hurricanes do that to the US while it’s having its Civil War Part2, and then consider how much nihilist-anarchism that’ll produce, multiplying-again the violent-nihilism in the system… it’s a spiraling positive-feedback-loop, see? ).

    The gutting of NATO, & active backing of Russia that Trump’s going to do, once crowned GEOTUS, … obviously the Russia/China/Saudi alliance is going to take advantage of the dictator’s gift to their global-supremacism…

    Exactly as that paper on behavioral-risk with climate change pointed-out:

    • humanity only reacts to already completely-manifest problems, & never acts proactively, &
    • humanity fights-against accepting the facts as long as possible, until it’s too-late

    That has consequences.

    Sometimes you need to use violent-force to break a drunk-driver from driving & smashing others’-lives.

    Refusal to do-so may make one more “acceptable” among the left’s coddling-belonging-culture, but it does produce more butchery-of-lives.

    Consequences are real.

    Nobody’s allowed to break corruption from authority: convention prohibits that.

    All this is simply setting-up our own species getting a Darwin Award.

    Stupidity at the galactic-epitaph scale.

    BREAK drunk-driving, the instant you encounter it, instead of leftist-style hoping it’ll go away, so I don’t have to intervene, individually … XOR … allow the consequences of non-intervening to be written-into-Eternity with one’s own blood’s-inaction adding to it.

    I’m saying that as a guy whose cowardice contributed to the continued-career of a serial-murderer.

    My cowardice prevented me from doing more than calling 911, whereas if I had violently intervened … then it is entirely possible that 20+ women wouldn’t have been snuffed by him, in the years since.

    I heard him murdering, & was quaking-with-fear, when I should have been butchering him while his hands were still on her neck.

    Her corpse was found in the parking-lot the next morning ( I hadn’t known precisely where this was, only the general-direction, due to my hesitation ).

    Then, later, I found-out he murdered a woman every year.

    And I didn’t stop him, when I could have.

    Their murders are partly my responsibility, through my inaction.

    Objectivity breaks “rose glasses”.

    I was there-enough to hear, I could have got-closer & struck.

    And ended his serial-murdering, even by wounding him distinctively, so that his sudden-marking made identifying him easier, for the police.

    All those women murdered since then, were murdered partly by my cowardice.

    Humankind’s doing exactly the same thing, now, with its own viability.

    Except that it is going to be oceans-of-lives lost in the consequences.

  • 1st, do 3 things:

    1. get the evidence, and make it indellibly-obvious.

    Toddlers killed by guns, 3-5yo killed, do every age-group, and make it obvious.

    Ttbomk, that isn’t possible, in the US, because the gun cult ( not gun lobby: when destruction-of-lives-of-children is irrelevant in protecting guns’ dominion, it’s a cult ) got collecting-statistics blocked, years/decades ago.

    1. discover the right questions.

    2. Keep rural & city segregated, as the issues are not identical.

    Fools pretend that cities & rural are identical contexts, and they absolutely are not.

    Rural need to be able to deal with rabid wildlife, sometimes.

    A friend told me that a rabid fox tried killing the tractor he was operating for awhile. The farmer who’d hired him handed him a gun & showed him how to use it to kill such a thing.

    Once you’ve got that set of things going, then you begin working up an Issue Diagram for the issue, based on actual information, not on ideology/prejudice.

    1. running an EARTH System Model ( the things that climate-science uses to see if we’re including all the significant-factors in representing how this planet’s climate works ) eats supercomputers for years.

    The machine running the Universe-simulation would need to be more-powerful than the Universe it was simulating, to phrase it poorly.

    1. number of dimensions: every time you run a model/simulation, you are running a shallower system, than the system that is running that simulation, and the dimensions-of-interaction that physicalist science has allowed, are now many, with M-Theory ( the integration of 5 different String-Theory type systems. I think M-Theory may turn out to be a “nice poem”, but that actual-reality may be hella complexer. That PBS Space Time physicist said that 10^500 is commonly used as a representation of all the possible Universes that String Theory allows, but that the actual number is “a lot more”. I don’t think it’s 9 dimensions, I think it’s fractal: the higher the energy, the more “dimensions” appear, … that’s an oversimplification, but it’s close-enough for now ( ultra-low-energy “opens” other dimensions, not-usually accessable, too, but in a different direction/way ) ).

    1. Entropy & Evolution are both Time-parity violating processes, that operate consistently for billions of years. Physicalism/materialism ignores/denies that “symmetry”, that there are 2 processes violating time-parity consistently, but evidence is evidence. Evolution allows Awareness to express, and it requires a cause. Ignoring all the neg-entropy of Evolution, as Physicalists do, isn’t science, it is ideology/prejudice.

    Fine: they have the constitutional-right to their religion, but gaslighting about being evidence-based Science, while ignoring/denying evidence, is offensive & insulting-of-integrity & insulting-of-intelligence.

    Universe is its own self.

    I hold that Brian Greene hit it spot-on, when he mentioned in a book, decades ago, that if 2 Universe-branes just … kept colliding, … each collision being a Big Bang, then … it’d just keep going on forever …

    That fits right.

    Why would it be “tuned for life”, as some say?

    Bogus question: we cannot have evolved in any Universe that prohibited our kind from evolving, therefore it is undecidable/unknowABLE.

    Would aware-life happening throughout a sea of worlds, in every ocean-of-phenomena/Universe that happens, in the endless stream of them, shape the endless-stream of Universes?

    That may be knowable, but not to the gimmicky mixture of Scientism & ActuallyEvidenceBasedScience that our age holds-to.

    1. lowest-energy-state is most-likely.

    It’s much more likely that one come-across actual-rocks colliding in galaxies than one come-across simulated-galaxies-with-simulated-rocks-having-simulation-colliding-in-them.

    Occam’s Razor, in a sense.

    No matter: ideology/prejudice addictions will never permit evidence to falsify their worldview, as I’ve been learning, so there isn’t much point in trying to reason with “believers”.

    Of any kind.

    And that is why chiseling my Soul/Continuum from getting caught in reincarnation is the sanest possible path.

    ( some decades ago, accidentally earned some Continuum-memories, of other kinds of lives, didn’t know what they were, discovered what they were, Catholicism nuked, I then adapted, my worldview changing, though that took a few years, to the new evidence. No modern religion fits the data. No ancient religion fits the data, though AwakeSoulism/Buddhism, in its most impersonal, comes closest. Ramana Maharshi, the Hindu, ended-up being the best expresser of Zen I’ve ever encountered, to the shame of all Chan & Zen Buddhism, anyways, objectivity/empiricism makes Universe surprise one, as one’s “assumptions” and “conditioning” and “belief” get nuked by random evidences.

    I still “want out”, though: being perpetually-recycled in Universes, as Universes recycle ALL “contained energies”, no exemption for continuums/Souls, through “reincarnation”, … sucks. )

    _ /\ _

  • Understand this, all reading this thread, though:

    The DarkHexad of human-evil’s dimensions, is:

    • Narcissism
    • Machiavellianism
    • Sociopathy ( mentally/experientially induced ) / Psychopathy ( intrinsic defective mirror-neurons function, NO empathy, NO other is “human” )
    • Nihilism
    • Sadism
    • SystemicDishonesty

    The more abused some population is, the more they become embedded in DarkHexad mind/meaning.

    Hamas went nihilist.

    They knew that Israel’d commit to genociding all Palestinians, to all the extent they could, and that’s why they did the attack.

    Israel’s now is demonstrating its nihilism/sadism so blatently that their “deterrent” is being permanently corroded-away:

    Within a few years, the surrounding Muslim region won’t care how much damage/violence Israel does to them while they’re annihilating Israel, they’ll HAVE TO annihilate Israel, at ANY cost.

    Israel’s guaranteeing its own within-decade annihilation.

    Exactly as Hamas’ ( either unconsciously or consciously ) strategy determined.

    Israel walked into the trap, they ate the bait.

    2 millenia ago, the ONLY Jew in the world that no Zionist would tolerate to have any validity, Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph, warned that when the abomination Daniel spoke-of was becoming real, that Israel would be annihilated.

    ( Matt 24, iirc … here, I dug it up, just in case anybody wants to read the actual text: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matt+24%3A15-22&version=AMPC )

    Perfect & correct warning.

    Within 1 decade, Israel’s going to be annihilated, exactly as benJoseph warned, and the Zionists, themselves, are the ones enforcing that no alternative-future can happen.

    Comical, really: one’s-own ideology/prejudice absolutely determining one’s fate, in a way that makes one’s most-hated-individual proven-right.

    “Deterrent” only works when the ones hating your life are hesitating because of their aversion to the harm you can do them.

    Israel’s not going to have any “deterrent” soon.

    And they’re too ideology/prejudice rabid to know that simple human-nature meaning.

    When, in a decade, perhaps less, Israel’s been annihilated, how is the rest of the Middle East, now committed/allied with BRICS, going to tilt the world’s geopolitical table?

    No matter: Trump’s already said he’ll “delete” the constitution, leave NATO, back Russia, create crime in Washington DC, be dictator, & “MAGA”, right?

    That is going to happen, unfortunately, and the incompetence of the Biden-institution is playing directly into handing the entire US into Trump-cult’s hands.

    The economic rug-pull that they’re delaying can’t be held-back forever, either.

    Backlash-vote always torpedoes the incumbents, in that situation.

    It doesn’t even matter if legalism “prohibits” Trump becoming GEOTUS, now: legalists ignore all the letter-of-the-law that contradicts their intention, …

    … and that is sooo traditional for legalists that benJoseph railed against their doing that 2 millenia ago.

    Something like “you who hold the letter-of-the-law rules, who ignore even 1 part, are guilty of ALL”, iirc.

    That is exactly the nature of the legalism of nowadays.

    The real game going-on is that human-unconscious-ignorance is trying to enforce a simplistic “mythic” “importance” through global tantrum/pogrom.

    And arguing with humanity’s unconscious-toddler … requires a bit of rather-brutal experience-induced-understanding enforcement, and that isn’t going to happen until “armageddon” has beaten that understanding into our unconscious.

    The Great Filter.

    Won’t-grow-up is the most-fundamental religion, in our unconscious.

    _ /\ _