Alabama Supreme Court rules 8-1 that all un-implanted embryos are legal children. Meaning that every fertilized egg in an invitro-fertilization procedure has standing as a born human baby.This essentially bans fertility clinics.

Further, this phrase: “The 8-1 ruling applies The Wrongful Death of a Child Act to all unborn children, regardless of their location.” Suggesting lawmakers there intend to prosecute Alabama residents for procedures done over state lines, outside AL jurisdiction, as they are already threatening to do with abortion care.

I should also note, this threatens to criminalize certain contraceptives, such as IUDs, hormonal birth control, and Plan B medications. Because all of them may expel a fertilized egg.

    8 months ago

    Reminds me of an old, old joke.

    Back in the day, a young man is brought before the University officials on the charge of having sex with a prostitute.

    The young fellow defends himself by saying that because he was wearing a condom.

    “What is this condom thing made out of, young man?”

    “It is made from the intestines of a sheep. So technically I did not have sex with the woman.”

    “That is too bad for you. The penalty of having sex with a prostitute is five lashes, but the penalty for having sex with a dead animal is five hundred lashes.”