I’ve got an IKEA hub connected to a few Trådfri lights which I’ve then added to Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi and set up a load of automations. I moved the hub and the RPi around my room and now Home Assistant can’t control any of the lights, it’s just reporting Failed setup, will retry. The IKEA hub can still control the lights fine.

Any idea if there’s a quick fix or do I need to bite the bullet, delete the config and set everything up again from scratch?

  • angelsomething@lemmy.one
    7 months ago

    I’d suggest integrating pihole in your home lan and have it do dhcp so you can reserve IPs to MAC address/devices with the added bonus of not having ads on your LAN :)

    • smeg@feddit.ukOP
      7 months ago

      I did set up a pihole many years ago but it stopped working one day and I couldn’t be bothered to keep tinkering as I’ve got adblocking on all my devices anyway. How simple is it to get configured and running smoothly nowadays?