• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Ex-Christian here. I’m fixin’ to rant. You have been warned.

    For 35 years I was a very committed, devout Christian, and owned a number of this guy’s books, primarily because in stark contrast to the neo-Christian making-it-up-as-you-go-along writings that started to flood the Christian market back in the late 80s and early 90s, his were comparatively traditional, middle-of-the-road, “this is what Christians believed for centuries” line-by-line bible studies.

    What I mean is that in multiple publications, over the span of multiple decades, this man not only read Every Single Line of the bible, many times over, he also did so in multiple languages and in consultation with historical records and commentary, and then wrote entire books about it.

    If memory serves, he’s literally written at least one full sized book on every single New Testament gospel and epistle (plus Revelation), and on some of them, like the gospel of John, multiple books. He may have also done so with the Old Testament, not sure anymore, and honestly can’t even be bothered to look.

    Jesus fucking christ. I am gobsmacked every time I see his name anymore, and that’s not an exaggeration. I read his fucking bible commentary almost daily for years, and now this motherfucker is the most racist, antivax, fuck-your-brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ non-Christian “Christian” I have ever seen . . . and being old, I have seen a LOT.

    This is honestly, from where I’m sitting, sort of like waking up one day to find that Florence Nightingale was actually vivisecting and selling off various parts of her suffering patients as a side gig.

    So if there were an international prize for antichristian behavior, this dude is winning the Nobel, and I’m not even exaggerating. (Makes me wish I had gotten my copies on the high seas now, because the thought that I contributed to this motherfucker’s right-wing causes literally turns my stomach.)

    On the other hand, if I am EVER in need of a reminder that the WHOLE THING is fake and there is no god, there’s John MacArthur to take up the cause. So . . . yay, I guess?