Peter Coy most certainly not coy about propagandizing for our greedy sociopath capitalist owner class.

His rationale? Corporations have always been insatiably greedy, so their sociopathic greed couldn’t possibly have increasingly dire consequences for society over time, nevermind all the new power and regulatory capture their lobbying has purchased over the last few decades. This is normal. Shut up.

Such willful ignorance out of people claiming expertise on a topic is especially maddening. At least most willfully ignorant people don’t pretend to also value expertise.

      7 months ago

      The point of capitalism is to perpetually separate labor from most of the value it produces that would otherwise be used to do so, keeping them in subsistence, and even in doing so often propagates the problem because it’s initially safer and cheaper to open and have fealty to a franchise because its a losing battle to attempt to compete with the scale of the big players in most conquered economic sectors.

      Either way, you’re enriching the sociopaths, by design. They can steal your labor as an employee or a franchisee, or you can most likely fail opening an independent business in the age of sociopathic behemoths that can do what you can do for a fraction of the price shittily, but as Walmart proved in destroying main street decades ago, capitalism breeds desperation, which means all most people are forced to care about is cheap.

      So TLDR, I don’t open that independent hardware/electronics/whatever store because statistics are against me and failure leaves one who doesn’t already hold significant capital in an even worse situation. Funny how the capitalist defenders try to cut it both ways, “you’re where you are because you don’t take risks! Also if you end up destitude its your own fault for acting irresponsibly.”