• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • “Men as a rule are such scum, I’d rather spend the night with a wild animal that routinely kills and eats people given the choice!” -These women

    “Why cant I find a good man?!” -Also these women

    As a happily married man, I would want nothing to do with a woman that has such overt hatred towards my gender. If my wife started playing the “as a rule, men are subhuman scum more dangerous to me than wild carnivorous animals” game, I would eventually divorce her, regardless of whether she considered me to be one of the good ones.

    This is good from an ecological perspective though, if you aren’t on team human at least. Women hating men means less humans, which would be better for most life on earth, including bears.

  • I don’t mean it that literally. I mean just observing swaths of people putting straws into drinks, putting ointments on scrapes, etc might make them extrapolate and try similar actions using what’s available to them.

    It’s not much of a reach for a primate seeing a human manipulate and dig with a shovel, and use that as inspiration to manipulate a bamboo shoot to scratch their own back.

    We homosapiens spent 180,000 ish years wandering around in the dirt like idiots before it occurred to some of us that we could grow food in one place, thus beginning the path to civilization. Even we need examples to extrapolate from.

  • Automation isn’t the enemy.

    As ever, the owner class that hoards and wages economic war on you though automation for their exclusive benefit at their society’s expense are your enemy, whether you would fight them or not.

    Arguing that we should “save” back breaking, repetitive unnatural movement, manual labor jobs that break human bodies by the time they’re 40 is the WRONG hill to die on. Fight for the citizenry to reap the benefits of automation through taxation, not to keep shitty jobs robots can do faster and better. Fight to change the economy so that everyone doesn’t need meaningless jobs machines can do better so we can have actual time to live our lives.

    Taxing the fuck out of automation would let everyone win, because a heavily taxed robot is still far cheaper for the company than a human or possibly several humans for that one robot would be, so automation is here either way. We can riot to change our economy to benefit from this technology as we should, or we can be steamrolled yet again by the dictates of the affluent who will demand and get all the benefits and none of the responsibility if not confronted and countered on revolutionary terms.

    Please pick the former. There’s no dignity or meaning to be had shuffling boxes around in an Amazon warehouse. Begging the owners to let us try to continue to compete with literal purpose built repetitive labor machines is not the way.

  • Probably, in the same way Steamboat Mickey is.

    Just part of the whole valuing property, in this case intellectual, over actual labor and people that our species loves so fucking much.

    Imagine if IP from drugs to technology to fiction had a 5-10 year max window before other people could work with and expand on it. It would be a better world for most.

    Oh you only get to make exclusive income on that thing you came up with for SEVERAL YEARS OF YOUR LIFE before you need to contribute in other ways to keep making money, boo fucking hoo. Where’s the sympathy for people working 2 jobs, burning their life up to meet basic needs, who don’t get several years of passive income on an idea that popped into their head 4 years ago.

  • I promise you the Pentagon has already spent billions working to weaponize both AI and AI derived robotics.

    Their philosophy is that if a new technology even has potential military applications, they demand getting it first, best, and in larger quantities than any other nation on Earth would even consider. Our military industrial complex is the largest surpassing the Joneses continuous effort humanity exerts.

    That’s how we get to spending more on our military than the next 9 nations combined. That’s why we have 11 nuclear aircraft carriers, France has 1, and that’s all there is on Earth.

    I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s the reality. Whatever we consumers have access to is behind what our military is testing and throwing basically infinite money at.

  • We’re less than 5 years out from networked, general purpose humanoid robots, that we’re using current AI technology to train to interact with the physics of the real world in virtual sandboxes, being everywhere.

    Within 10 years there will be humanoid robots no human Olympian can compete with by any metric. We are static on timescales we can perceive, they are iterative. It won’t be close.

    You’d think our response to Covid would have shattered the mass delusion of human hyper-comptetence.