Instead of ‘splurging’ on a dumb tv bc they’re more expensive now thanks to the data sompanies sell off of smart tvs I was considering getting a smart tv and dumbing it down. Is the way to do this never connecting it to the internet? And is that the only way?
I am about to set up a pi-hole in my network. Would that help with this scenario?
It depends. Using OPs scenario, if all data, ads and updates, are served from, then the pi hole can’t help. But if ads are served from and updates from, then you can blacklist the ads while still receiving the updates.
My experience with a Vizio is that the pi is blocking a lot of the “phoning home” connections, but the ads seem to be integrated with the software that allows me to use apps, so I still see them when I use the TV’s apps. More and more though, I’m using the HDMI port with my HTPC.
Generally, no. Manufacturers just bake in a DNS server setting and it will only fail over if it can’t get to it.
not at all