• ace_garp@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The Computerspielemuseum or Computer Game Museum in Berlin.

    It has 3 rooms setup as timecapsules with a console setup in each.

    The highlight was the PainStation where you played Pong against another player, and the loser got whipped, an electric shock or heat applied to their hand through a panel on the game. Excellent.

    Special mentions, 1.5hrs in front of Bosch’s, Garden of Earthly Delights tryptich in the Prado.

    Momi (The Museum of the Moving Image, London) closed in 2002, but had the full history of all cinema. Live period actors jumping out to explain things. I snuck a touch of the foot of the actual K1 Giant Robot from Tom Baker’s Dr Who.

    Also, the Musée d’Orsay. Just a beautiful experience of so many classics.