• Colombia has requested permission from the International Court of Justice to intervene in South Africa’s case against Israel for genocide in Gaza, aiming to protect Palestinian safety and existence.
  • The ICJ has ordered Israel to ensure timely food supplies to Gaza and previously instructed Israel to refrain from actions under the genocide convention and to prevent genocidal acts against Palestinians, which Israel denies, attributing its actions to targeting Hamas rather than civilians.
  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    There is no comparable conflict in world history. The tunnels are unprecedented.

    Plus the numbers are dropping. 1.5% right now, and people have been saying that number for the last two months. Catastrophic famine has been imminent for four months.

    I wish I had time and skill to make a graph of cumulative death toll, month to month, and then extrapolate the number of deaths per day, so we could visualize how the conflict has been winding down almost since it began. By my rough estimation from a few news articles about the death tolls, spread out through March anyway, is that monthly deaths have decreased 20%, month over month. Doesn’t take very many months to see that the genocide apparatus of Israel either doesn’t exist or is utterly incompetent.You know, the death toll were has been “1.5%” for two months.