Small correction: Vape juice ingredient, Diacetyl. It was in many different flavor components, and a juice can have five, six, eight components. It’s mostly in cream, custard, and butter flavors.
Are you aware of any actual cases of it?
It’s probably really hard to detect popcorn lung in ex-smokers (a significant demographic of vapers) amongst the wide array of damage that smoking caused to their lungs.
Did you ever figure out if the amount of diacetyls in vape juice was comparable to LD50s of diacetyls?
I vaped at the time of this all breaking, and remember trying to figure out how bad it all actually was. Or if it was a bit of “this could be better” that got blown out of proportion by ignorance and media hype.
That vapes cause popcorn lung. Only specific vape juice that isn’t sold anymore or hard cbd oil in a vape caused popcorn lung.
That isn’t to say vaping is good for you. It just doesn’t cause popcorn lung
Small correction: Vape juice ingredient, Diacetyl. It was in many different flavor components, and a juice can have five, six, eight components. It’s mostly in cream, custard, and butter flavors.
Source: Ecig juice maker for a decade
Are you aware of any actual cases of it?
It’s probably really hard to detect popcorn lung in ex-smokers (a significant demographic of vapers) amongst the wide array of damage that smoking caused to their lungs.
Did you ever figure out if the amount of diacetyls in vape juice was comparable to LD50s of diacetyls?
I vaped at the time of this all breaking, and remember trying to figure out how bad it all actually was. Or if it was a bit of “this could be better” that got blown out of proportion by ignorance and media hype.