“Wait this shit sucks, nevermind.”

-Mike Black, probably

  • just_change_it@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    They want their cut. Nobody with less than them can be given anything without them getting their cut. They had to work for it so why shouldn’t everyone else!!111

    Seems to be the mentality anyway. “igmfy” It’s why people are anti-immigration (we’re all immigrants if you go back far enough.) It’s why they don’t want social service programs (taxing ME is theft, tax those others!), they sure as shit don’t want free education (hurr durr I paid for mine / I didn’t need it so why should I pay for theirs!!1111oneone)

    It blows my mind that so many don’t want any change to the status quo because things were shit for them. It’s like at some point the resentment for being handed a shit deal is replaced by resentment for others who haven’t made it yet.