Most games I like are 2D, so that’s kind of a weird statement. I grew up on SNES, though. My family skipped the N64, so I didn’t even get a 3D console until the GameCube… Which I didn’t even get until years after it launched.
I liked them when I was little, because that’s all we had at the time and we didn’t know any better. Now, that we have amazing games with insane graphics, 2D games look like shit to me. I’m so sorry if that’s offensive, but that’s how I just feel about them, genuinely
Different strokes, I suppose. I have never cared for graphics in a game. I don’t care today, I didn’t care when I was playing Super Mario World as a kid. I care far more about gameplay, tight controls, and later in life I started caring more about good narrative. The best looking game in the world wouldn’t keep my attention if the controls felt like garbage, or if the gameplay was just plain boring.
I care about graphics in games (although mostly due to art direction rather than just “realism”). And yet I still agree with you and think the other guy is bonkers. 2D games can be awesome, 3D games can be awesome.
Far be it from me to speak to the validity of your feelings. But, to me, that seems like a bit of a massive over generalization. Many 3D games look like shit, many look amazing. Many 2D games look like shit, many look amazing.
I mean, saying a 3D game like Gollum looks better than a 2D game like Hollow Knight, just because it’s 3D sounds insane to me.
I played them when they came out and Ive played them again recently… time has not been kind to the UI. The game is great, but the dated UI and graphics feel it.
Please don’t kill me, but I hate those games. There are very few 2D games that I like and fallout 1 and 2 are not on the list.
screams in isometric projection
Britneyisometric projection alone!Curious what’s your year of birth?
FO2 is a great game but there’s no way my kids, who have only known 3D, could get into something so old.
Liking or disliking a 2D game is not a generational divide.
Fallout never was everyone’s cup of tea.
It was a cult classic from the start. Also CRPGs have always been pretty niche, with the occasional exception they rarely break into the mainstream.
I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying Super Mario World or Mario 3.
Or Tetris. Some games are timeless.
Most games I like are 2D, so that’s kind of a weird statement. I grew up on SNES, though. My family skipped the N64, so I didn’t even get a 3D console until the GameCube… Which I didn’t even get until years after it launched.
I liked them when I was little, because that’s all we had at the time and we didn’t know any better. Now, that we have amazing games with insane graphics, 2D games look like shit to me. I’m so sorry if that’s offensive, but that’s how I just feel about them, genuinely
Different strokes, I suppose. I have never cared for graphics in a game. I don’t care today, I didn’t care when I was playing Super Mario World as a kid. I care far more about gameplay, tight controls, and later in life I started caring more about good narrative. The best looking game in the world wouldn’t keep my attention if the controls felt like garbage, or if the gameplay was just plain boring.
I care about graphics in games (although mostly due to art direction rather than just “realism”). And yet I still agree with you and think the other guy is bonkers. 2D games can be awesome, 3D games can be awesome.
Far be it from me to speak to the validity of your feelings. But, to me, that seems like a bit of a massive over generalization. Many 3D games look like shit, many look amazing. Many 2D games look like shit, many look amazing.
I mean, saying a 3D game like Gollum looks better than a 2D game like Hollow Knight, just because it’s 3D sounds insane to me.
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried GTA 1 or 2 but you could tell Rockstar was on to something fun even if they didn’t have amazing graphics.
I played them when they came out and Ive played them again recently… time has not been kind to the UI. The game is great, but the dated UI and graphics feel it.