For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It’s such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There’s just that extra something in that movie

What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?

    11 months ago

    For me, I think it has to be Pulp Fiction. I just recently rewatched it for the umpteenth time and it’s just as great as ever. I find myself quoting it quite often.

    A bit of an outsider which is a big hit in my family is “A Good Year” by Ridley Scott, staring Russel Crowe. It’s a nice fun movie and for a family of francophiles like mine it’s a great way of getting a bit of the France we love in the middle of the dark Northern European winter.