• secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Even if you want to be mad at her for being rich and being part of the oligopoly that is creating suffering and impending environmental doom, can you blame her for requesting the portrait be taken down? It’s really unflattering and doesn’t look that much like her. She didn’t demand it, she asked. No one likes being humiliated, and that portrait probably made her feel terrible. There’s nothing wrong with making a request, most people in her position would do the same.

    She should create a foundation to called “The Institute for Reduced World Suffering” and make the charter bylaws include her picture on anything sent out, any website, any marketing material, and her photo must be on any material generated by the organization, and it can only be 1 type of picture that she chooses, then she should have an artist do a really flattering picture of her that makes her look nice. In the Institute’s first year, she should offer 10 10,000 grants to those who study reduced world suffering and in announcing the grants opportunity she could include her picture in the advertisements. She could let anyone apply and she chooses the winners. She could turn a strange situation into something wonderful if she wants.