Former President Trump said he wants President Biden to be drug-tested before their first debate.

“I’m gonna demand a drug test too, by the way,” Trump said at the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner Friday. “I am, no I really am. I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union, he was high as a kite.”

Trump has previously stated in a radio interview that Biden was “all jacked up” at the beginning of his State of the Union address, as well as “higher than a kite.”

    2 months ago

    I’ll be amazed if the debate happens, but not because of the Trump camp.

    Flash back to Trump v Hilary. In a sane world, that would have been a smack down, but it wasn’t.

    The issue the Dems have is they keep going “Look at him! He’s Trump!” and everyone goes “uh huh…” and they’re like “Oh shit… I really thought that would have cinched it.”

    Biden can’t make it through a 3 minute address without flubbling/slurring 12 times and then shuffling away looking at the floor like his pampers are full. There is no possible reality that Biden will be able to perform well for a full debate.

    Again, I fucking hate Trump, but the DNC has already sunk the ship for this election, and I think they did it on purpose.